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Hello everyone,

Like the title says i got those carriers to work.

Now i know this isnt something special but it is the beginning of some carrier ops single missions and potentially a campaign.

I got 4 screenies of it-2 With Tarawa-class LHA's,and 2 of the CV-59.

(Notes: First,the location where they are sailing is the IJsselmeer in Holland,and second,im still a novice so i have the game difficulty on easy-except for collision,landing and fuel.)


First up,ive got a screenie of me in an A-7 with the USS Forrestal on the background:


Second,i got the USS Forrestal with my A-7 on the background after take off:


Next up,the USS Tarawa with the USS Saipan on the background:


(Note: The background ship has to resemble the LHA-2,altough there's still a number 1 on it.)


And last but not least,a screenie of me in an F-18 with the LHA-1 on the background:



Im very proud of it,but constructive criticism is always welcome.


PS: I thank everyone who makes those great carriers,mission editors (i made it with KMD) and aircraft,because they enable me tho make those missions.

PSS: I need a few destroyers so i can create carrier groups,ideas anyone? :dntknw:




Edited by Kobuspoes

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  Kobuspoes said:
PSS: I need a few destroyers so i can create carrier groups,ideas anyone? :dntknw:



Some nice carriers you got there, try this website it has got some destroyers on it. You have to ask permission to download it though, read the instructions provided on the webpage. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ good luck with your campaign and mission making.



Edited by scouserlad13

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I've implanted a Spruance from the website you provided to me and it works great except for one little detail: i have to attach it to the carrier to keep their speed and track synchronous because the Spruance headed right into the carrier :crazy:.

Nad yes i have some screenies:


F-18 Taking off from the CVN-68,Spruance not visible:


Spruance DDG,sailing around 0.3 mile from the Nimitz :


F-18 with wheels up after takeoff with the Nimitz and Spruance on the background:


PS: on the last screenie you can see the Spruance heading to the Nimitz :crazy:


And thats just the beginning,because im also gonna search for a Kuznetsov (i saw one for download around here) and implant it into a single single mission,as well as the HMS Invincible.



Only obstacle is that there aren't enough escort destroyers for download...but there are some PTG's so i can compensate the lack of destroyers with these,altough it will become less realistic.


And i will upload some of the missions within 30 minutes so everybody could try them.


Offtopic: scouserlad,what on earth is that plane in your signature? I can see something like a Kfir or F-16 tail wing... But it also could be a Mirage...

Edited by Kobuspoes

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About the missions:

You gotta have the CVN-68 Nimitz,Spruance class DDG and the Koni class FF as well as the MF F/A-18A Hornet and the weapons pack for the mission i just created... Just a little fight between the Nimitz's escort and a Russian Koni class...you've gotta destroy the Koni so i dont think it's worth all that work to install everything... But say it if you want it,then i'll upload it...



Koni sinking:




Offtopic: Now i see what's in scouserlad's signature! it's a Tornado! :rolleyes:

Edited by Kobuspoes

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  Kobuspoes said:
Offtopic: scouserlad,what on earth is that plane in your signature? I can see something like a Kfir or F-16 tail wing... But it also could be a Mirage...


HAHA its a tornado GR.1 with a skin i made for it, i know the lights are out of place so thats possibly why you thought it was a different aircraft. By the way, when are you going to release some of your missions, im itching to get a look at them :biggrin:

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I have bundled 2 new missions now and im gonna release them today.

Btw i almost burned my eyes out because i had to look very close to see that Tornado... Did you released that skin for download?

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  Kobuspoes said:
I have bundled 2 new missions now and im gonna release them today.

Btw i almost burned my eyes out because i had to look very close to see that Tornado... Did you released that skin for download?



Sweet, i look forward to playing them. Nahh i didnt upload it, do you want it, cause if so ill upload it for you.

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Yeah,looks sweat,i really want it :good:

Btw,i cant upload because,if i click ''Post Submission'' it gives an error so im gonna upload it in this topic,wait for another 5 minutes.


Edit: Uploading Now...


Its here?!


Wow,thats pretty strange...is there something wrong with the CA Server or something? Look,its on my post!


Edited by Kobuspoes

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Ok, ill upload it tommorow, seeing as its coming up on 11pm here haha, im getting a bit tired now

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Here in the Netherlands its around 13:55...Edit: Its uploaded!

About the skin...just take your time its still weekend here in The Netherlands... :D

Edited by Kobuspoes

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where are you uploading it too, and also you have to wait for a couple of hours so it can be approved by the moderators.

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It's there,but i accidentally double submitted it.

Edit: Yup,it's waiting for approval.

Edited by Kobuspoes

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cool, it should take no more than 4 hours or so, well it took less than that for my Tornado F.3 skin

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Tornado F.3? is there one around here for download?

Btw,its attached to one of my upper posts.Looks like it was uploaded after all.

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Want Tornado skin! :biggrin:

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  Kobuspoes said:
Tornado F.3? is there one around here for download?

Btw,its attached to one of my upper posts.Looks like it was uploaded after all.



The Aircraft is not on this website, its on the Avsim website, but it really isnt worth a download seeing as Bobrock is making one as we speak, and it looks amazing.

Heres the link for Bobrocks Tornado F.3....... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...0&start=100

And for the Avsim tornado F.3 go to the website and search Tornado F.3 in the strike fighters project one category.


My F.3 skin is for the Avsim one


The skin in my signature, is for the Tornado GR.1

Edited by scouserlad13

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Got the GR.1 and the F.3 from Avsim now :D

Edited by Kobuspoes

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Good, but the GR.1 that you want is found here at Combatace. Heres the Link.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2506 trust me, its got more skins and it looks better, and plus, if you also look in the Tornado Section on the downloads page, there are more skins to be downloaded for various squadrons.

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Ok i got the GR.1 skin loaded up for you. Enjoy, and i look forward to flying your missions

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Ty,going to d/l it now,as these two missions are only trial missions im gonna make more and better missions.

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Ok, sweet, ill just hang on for a little bit then until you make a mission for strike fighters haha. Good luck with your new mission making.

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