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Since I'm experimenting with MiG flying/fighting, I looked through the data.ini for the MiG-17F. Reading some of the statements from the pilots who flew the HAVE DRILL/FERRY Frescos about the jet's performance, I noticed that one pilot explained how he overcame the slow spool up time of the VK-1F engine.


So into the data.ini I went and found the entry THROTTLERATE=.3


What does this equate to? The pilot said it took approx. 15 seconds bring it up from idle to full, so he kept it around 80% and used the boards often to regulate speed on the approach or as needed.


What measurement is TK using for this? Seconds?


Maybe we can add some new stuff to the KB in the advanced modding area.





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Oh something I forgot to add in the first thread. I noticed the MF's Kfirs have a good amount of spool up time for their J-79s and looked at their entry as reference. It was




So is a lower number, a higher time?



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15 secs from idle to full military would be ThrottleRate=0.20. This is the same setting I use for the MiG-21F13 and '21MF flight models.

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Thanks! PM inbound.

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