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This CD-30T (Su-9 radar) info (machine translating from russian, sorry no pics)


Aircraft radar CD-30T is intended for activity in a complex of means of interception and defeat (by RS-2-U) air targets.

The complex is disposed on a fighter-interceptor.

The station supplies:

. The automatic review of space in certain sector of a forward hemisphere and detection of the purposes;

. Semiautomatic acquisition of the purpose and autotrack on range and angular co-ordinates;

. Targeting by means of the indicator and defeat of the purposes by operated rocket shells;

. Definition together with equipment of the identification of the state accessory of the found out airplane.


Station CD-30T activity at fulfilment of the battle task can be divided into 3 stages:

1. The review of space and detection of the purposes;

2. An exit on an initial position for attack;

3. Attack of the purpose and prompting of operated rocket shells to the purpose.

In a mode of the review the aerial makes an irradiation of space of a forward hemisphere in sector ± 30 degrees on azimuth and ± 12 degrees on a place corner.

On a corner of a place the centre of a field of view can be more low a horizontal axis of an airplane under a corner - 4 degrees, or - 6 degrees depending on an altitude of flight of an airplane.

The tactical scheme of search is presented on fig. I. Moving of an antenna beam to space grows out of addition of three simple movements:

1. Marches on compass bearing to the right and to the left in the uniform speed;

2. Jumps on a place corner upwards or downwards in the end of an azimuthal line;

3. Conical scanning.


In the presence of the purposes in a field of view on range to 20 km the reflected high-frequency signals are received by the aerial, are transformed and amplify a receiving device, and then act on the type indicator "In"(Azimuth-range).

On fig. 2 images of the purposes on a display screen in various cases are resulted. The purposes on a display screen are reproduced in the form of horizontal brightness marks with vertical labels. The target bearing is read out across from the indicator centre, and range on a vertical axis from the lower border of a raster. The target position on a place corner is displayed by vertical labels "top", the "bottom", disposed near to marks of the purposes.

Before the beginning of attack the pilot should be convinced that the found out airplane belongs to enemy armed forces. For this purpose the pilot actuates the interrogator of system of the identification. In case the found out airplane belongs to the armed forces, over a blip there is a horizontal mark "". Absence of such mark testifies to detection of an enemy airplane. In this case the pilot manoeuvres at a course and an altitude so that the blip middle was combined with azimuth zero and that vertical labels from above and from below a horizontal brightness blip have been received.

At rendezvous on purpose on the distance which is not exceeding 10 km and an exit of a fighter on the purpose, so, that it falls in a zone ± 5 degrees on azimuth on a mean line of the review (i.e. there are both vertical marks "top" and"Bottom"), the pilot makes purpose acquisition.

For acquisition of the purpose the pilot presses button "Acquisition" on an aircraft control stick. As a result of pressing of button "Acquisition" the station aerial terminates the review and becomes in zero on azimuth and under a corner - 2 degrees to an airplane centerline, and the autoselector searchs the purposes on range. If level of the signal reflected from the purpose, is sufficient for strobe the acquisition automatic control unit there is a purpose acquisition on range and the indicator is switched in an aim mode. Thus on a display screen there is the artificial blip presented on fig. 3 on which the image of a display screen of station is resulted by activity in an aim mode. Except an artificial blip on the screen there are two symmetric labels of range.

After purpose acquisition, the system of angular tracking automatically monitors on angular co-ordinates a rule of the attacked purpose.

To angular target position in space there corresponds a rule of the centre of an artificial blip, and range the interceptor-purpose there corresponds distance from the centre of a mark to range labels. Duplication of labels of range is necessary that there was a range finding capability on one of them as at large enough deviation of the centre artificial target the purposes from the display screen centre other label will be outside of the screen.

Manoeuvre of an airplane the pilot in a targeting mode continuously supports the centre of an artificial mark in a small circle on the screen (the circle radius corresponds to one degree of a deviation). When the range label enters in a shooting zone, the pilot launchs shells.

Flight control of shells implements on a radio beam. For obtaining on a shell of reference voltage the station from the moment of launch starts to develop special reference signals - "codes" which are presented on fig. 8. The station sends reference signals at a rule of a beam of the aerial top - the right-bottom-is left concerning an equisignal zone.

The system of development of code signals has the special gyroscopic device which supplies in a mode of an attack of shells attitude hold of codes at airplane roll.

The station admits two modes of prompting of shells:

1. A mode of prompting of shells at purpose autotrack.

2. A mode of prompting of shells at the consolidated beam.

The mode of prompting of shells with a purpose autotracking is used at shooting on the single purpose irrespective of conditions of visibility in the absence of handicapes. Shooting in this mode demands from the pilot of smaller attention to quality of piloting during shooting as the station automatically monitors a target position.

The mode of prompting with the consolidated beam is used in the presence of active and passive handicapes, at shooting on the formation or low-flying purpose.

Shooting in this mode demands from the pilot of special attention and continuous exact targeting on the attacked purpose as the station does not follow the target.

The equisignal line of the aerial in this mode is interfaced to an axis of optical process.

Depending on conditions the pilot chooses a mode of prompting of shells and translates station from one mode in another toggle-switch "Tracking" -

"Locking. A beam" - "Handicap" on a control panel station.


Following units enter in a structure of radar TSD-ZOT:

1. The antenna unit.

2. The send-receive unit.

3. The receiving unit.

4. The indicator.

5. A sweep unit.

6. The unit of magnetic amplifiers.

7. The synchronisation unit.

8. The autoselector.

9. The supply unit.

10. The stabilisation unit of co-ordinates.

11. The control block the aerial.

12. The control block.

13. A junction box.

14. The unit of protection from nonsynchronous pulse handicapes.

15. The correction unit on an altitude.

Station activity is supplied with following devices:

1. The altitude sensor.

2. The converter 36V 400 Hz of payload-200.

By activity in land conditions the land board of the control is used.


Station CD-30T block diagramme is represented on fig. 4.

The antenna unit - serves for radiation and a method of high-frequency signals, and also formation of directional diagrammes. Here the engine of scanning of a beam, the generator of reference voltages and engines of azimuth guidance and a place corner are disposed. The high-frequency signal acts on the aerial from the magnetron generator of the send-receive unit.

The priemo-transferring unit - executes generating of high-power high-frequency momentums and transformation of the high-frequency momentums reflected from the purpose, to momentums of intermediate frequency, and also executes preliminary strengthening of signals on intermediate frequency. It consists of the modulator operating activity of the magnetron generator; the amalgamator (SM); the preliminary intermediate frequency amplifier (ПУПЧ); and schemes of automatic frequency trim klyston a local oscillator (АПЧК). The signal of the purpose from exit ПУПЧа acts on the receiving unit.

The receiving unit should supply:

. Strengthening reflected from the purposes and the signals transformed to intermediate frequency, their detection and issue of reinforced video signals on the display device, an autorangefinder and the control block the aerial;

. Selection of the channel of strengthening on range;

. Automatic adjustment of strengthening УПЧ but to a purpose signal (АРУ);

. Automatic adjustment of strengthening УПЧ on noise; (SPHERE)

From an exit of the receiving unit video signals move on following units:

. On the protection unit;

. A rangefinder;

. The control block the aerial;

In a structure of the receiving unit enter:

. The intermediate frequency amplifier,

. The detector and a video amplifier,

. The cathode repeater,

. The switchboard of automatic adjustment of strengthening on noise (SPHERE).

. Systems ARU and ШAРУ

. The manipulator of a method executing opening УПЧ only at the moment of arrival of positive momentums to the SPHERE or positive momentums of the selector of a method or positive gate of momentums from the autoselector.

The display unit (the combined indicator of the review and an autotracking); it is intended:

.-For visual acquisition of blips;

.-For targeting by definition on the indicator:

1. Corners in vertical and horizontal planes, between a line of fire and an airplane centerline;

2. Target ranges,

3. "Launch zones".

In the display unit the electro-beam tube of type "the TOWER is used

-1 ".

The sweep unit - operates activity of the indicator and executes:

. Development in a mode of the review of pressure of the development necessary for creation on a display screen of development of type;

. Development in a mode of an autotracking of pressure of the development necessary for creation on a display screen of development of type

"A floating stain" with the third co-ordinate - range;

. Development of a momentum of pressure, duration and which rule after development of range and a mode of "a floating stain" determine on the screen

"Launch zone".

. Development of momentums of the opening necessary for normal operation of a tube "Terem-1".

The control block the aerial supplies:

. Decomposition of signals of an error in two is mutual-perpendicular planes of azimuth and an inclination.

. Strengthening and transformation of making signals of an error on azimuth and inclination axes in control currents.

. Strengthening and signal conditioning in monitoring systems of remote installation of the aerial on azimuth and inclination axes.

. Formation of signals of search in azimuth and inclination axes.

The control block the aerial consists of following basic elements:

. Circuits of allocation of a signal of an error,

. The channel of formation of control currents on a tilt axis in search mode,

. The channel of formation of control currents on an azimuth axis in search mode,

. The channel of formation of control currents on an azimuth axis in a mode of an autotracking and remote installation (DU).

. The channel of formation of control currents on a tilt axis in a mode of an autotracking and DU.

The control block the aerial works in three modes:

1. A mode of the review of space

2. A mode of autotrack of the purpose on corners,

3. A mode of remote installation of the aerials, consisting in aerial installation in a certain rule by pressing by the button sensor "Dinst. Installation" (DU).

In an autotracking mode on a unit input act:

. The video pulses modulated on amplitude, a percentage of modulation and which phase depends on a target position concerning an equisignal zone.

. Reference sinusoidal pressure with GON's.

. Sinusoidal pressure from W.

The control signal from an exit of the control block the aerial acts on the unit of magnetic amplifiers.

The unit of magnetic amplifiers is intended for strengthening of power of command signals by the aerial. Reinforced signals from the unit of magnetic amplifiers act on the engine of azimuth and the antenna title engine.

The autoselector is intended:

. For automatic target search on range with the subsequent autotrack of one purpose seized by the autoselector.

. For indication of the moment of acquisition of the purpose and RADAR transition in an autotracking mode.

. For receiver opening radar stations for the period of effect on it of the signal reflected from the accompanied purpose, i.e. for стробирования the receiver.

The autoselector consists from:

. A temporary discriminator,

. фантастрона,

. The generator of a slow saw,

. Comparison circuits,

. The gate generator

. Acquisition schemes.

Activity of the autoselector differs nothing from activity of standard schemes of the autoselector.

Purpose video pulses on the autoselector act from the receiving unit.

Output the momentum makes стробирование the receiving unit.

The junction box serves for connection of all blocks of station among themselves and for implementation of numerous switchings which are necessary in the course of station activity.

The supply unit is the stabilised power source onboard an airplane, works from the software-1500/115V converter 400Hz/.

After short familiarisation with mainframes of station which differ nothing from the same blocks in other RADARS, it is expedient to familiarise with features CD-30.


This device supplies:

1. Synchronisation of activity of all station.

2. Functionability of station in the conditions of presence:

. Nonsynchronous pulse handicapes,

. The synchronous pulse handicapes reflected from distant local subjects both coming for the second and third period of activity of station.

Following units enter in the device of protection against station handicapes:

. The unit of protection against nonsynchronous pulse handicapes (the unit 25)., supplying protection against handicapes and synchronisation of activity of station.

. The synchronizer (the unit 36), giving start momentums on the transmitter and the receiver.

. The receiver (блoк 38), subjected to protection against synchronous pulse handicapes against the distant purposes.

. A junction box (the unit 42), supplying commutation of circuits of the unit of protection.

The device function chart is resulted on fig. 5.

Synchronisation of activity of station are supplied with stringent sequence of the launching momentums which frequency of following is determined by an ultrasonic delay line (UZLZ). Value of delay UZLZ is equal Т mcsec.

From the self-excited blocking oscillator 25L14, (repetition having a natural frequency about 1500 Hz), a negative momentum duration 10

20 mcsec acts on a modulator grid 25L4-3, operating an exciter

25L4-4. The momentum of an exciter frequency of 10 MHz excites in УЗЛЗ the crystal constructed on 10 MHz. Crystal will transform electrical oscillations in mechanical which linger over in a delay line.


On exit UZLZ there is also 10 MHz set up on frequency the second crystal, reformative mechanical oscillations in the electrical. Weak electrical oscillations from second crystal UZLZ act in UPCH-10 where amplify lamps 25L5-1 - 25L5-5 and are detected D5-1.

The prodetected video pulse amplify a video amplifier 25 L5-6 and through the cathode repeater 25L5-7 acts on letting lamp of the self-excited blocking oscillator 25L14, synchronising last.

Thus, the setting blocking oscillator 25L14 will be самосинхронизироваться with the delay determined UZLZ.

Such mode of work of the setting blocking oscillator leads to high stability of the period of repetition () clock pulses.

Protection of station against nonsynchronous pulse handicapes is supplied with the special scheme of protection in which structure enter:

. The concurrence scheme 25L8, supplying passing of video pulses only in case of concurrence of the arrested person for repetition and not the arrested person of video pulses of the purpose.

. A delay circuit supplying delay of a video pulse for repetition of momentums.

. The scheme of integration supplying increase of amplitude of video signal.

The principle of operation of the scheme of protection implements at the expense of concurrence of the arrested person for repetition and not the arrested person of momentums of the purpose and is explained by the temporary diagramme resulted on fig. 6.

Video pulse of the purpose from a receiver exit through the cathode repeater 1/2

25L13 acts on an input девобулятора from which exit acts on an amplifier grid 25L22. Reinforced video pulses act on пентодную a grid of the cascade of concurrence 25L8 and on the knot amplifier 4PЗ 25L4-2.

Further a purpose momentum as well as earlier described momentum of synchronisation, passes the modulator, an exciter, UZL and UPCH-10.

Prodetected and strengthened in a video amplifier 25L5-6 a purpose momentum through the cathode repeater 25 L5-7 and an approach-correcting delay line on 0,1 mcsec (25-LZ-1) act on a control grid of the cascade of concurrence 25L8.

Simultaneously with arrested person УЗЛ8 a purpose momentum on the concurrence cascade the following video pulse of the purpose on пентодную a grid moves.

As a result of concurrence in time of video pulses of the purpose on two grids on an exit of the scheme of concurrence there is a momentum of the purpose which amplifies 1/2 25L9 and through cathode repeaters 1/2 25 L9 and 1/2 25L15 moves on an input of the unit of protection. The reinforced momentum of concurrence with 25L9 moves also on the knot amplifier 4NЗ L4-1 where developing with video-amplifier L4-2 momentum not the detained channel, influence the modulator and an exciter.

As a result of such addition on an exit of the scheme of concurrence increase of amplitude of a signal from a momentum to a momentum - effect of integration takes place.

Nonsynchronous momentums of the handicap, which period of repetition differs from frequency of repetition of station, but synchronise on grids of the cascade of concurrence and do not pass through the scheme of the cascade of concurrence.

The probability of concurrence of noise momentums decreases at the expense of a randomness of their following and cut-off presence on a control grid of a lamp of the cascade of concurrence 25L8.

At the expense of a cut-off on a control grid of a lamp of concurrence, signal integration begins with some threshold, and on an exit of the scheme of concurrence the increase in a ratio a signal/noise is observed significant.

Thanks to feedback presence in the protection/integration scheme/, penalty indemnification in sensitivity on the cascade of concurrence at the expense of a cut-off implements.

Protection of a radar channel against the synchronous pulse handicapes coming from own sounding momentums both falling for the second and third period of activity of station is supplied for the account вобуляции (modulations in time) parcels of sounding momentums.

To maintenance of correct activity of the unit of protection on the first period of activity of station it is applied девобуляция reflected вобулированных momentums from the purpose.

By back front setting bloking - the generator 25L14 it is launched bloking - the generator 1/2 25L15, a momentum with which it is direct, or the arrested person on 5 mcsec a delay line вобулятора acts on following start bloking - the generator 25L23. The momentum from cathode load of the blocking oscillator 25L23 is given on synchronizer start from which the transmitter is launched.

Video pulse of the purpose acting from an exit of receiver TSD-33 on the unit of protection CD-25T Through the cathode repeater 1/2 PZ it is direct, or the arrested person on 5 mcsec a delay line de-vobuljatora, acts on the amplifier 25L22 from which moves on the cascade of concurrence and through the amplifier 25L4-2 knot 4P3 on the modulator.

Commutation vobulator and devobulatorimplements a special switching momentum from the switchboard scheme. And vobulation and devobulation phazed in such a manner that when a momentum of start of the transmitter on the first step not задержвается the momentum of the purpose of the first step passes on the cascade of concurrence with delay and on the contrary, on 2nd and 3rd step the momentum of start of the transmitter lingers over, and through devobulator the purpose momentum passes not arrested person.

Commutation of delay of a video pulse of the purpose and start momentum is executed by the trigger scheme 25L20 which start on one grid implements momentums of the setting blocking oscillator with period T, and on other grid by blocking oscillator momentums is divided frequencies "1:3" (I/2 25L13) with the period 3T.

At such commutation of a launching momentum and purpose video pulses we will receive simultaneous receipt on the cascade of concurrence of a momentum of the purpose from a video amplifier 25P22 and a momentum of the purpose come through UZLZ. Such concurrences will exist at arrival of the reflected momentums of the purpose on the first period of activity of station. At arrival of the reflected momentums of the purpose for the second and third periods of activity of station from sounding momentums of the first period of simultaneous receipt on the concurrence cascade 25L8 momentums of arrested persons UZPZ and not arrested persons will not exist. Such reflected momentums through the concurrence cascade will not pass and, thus will not get on the display device.

To receiver CD-33 SPHERE on own reflected momentums from the distant purposes its start is made for an exception of activity вобулированным by the momentum removed from the blocking oscillator 25L12. The Blocking oscillator is launched from phazatrone 25L11. Pulse duration фантастрона of 380-900 Hz are modulated by pressure of frequency.


For maintenance of control with a shell at an automatic target tracking the device of formation and stabilisation of code signals creates reference signals in the form of the pair high-frequency momentums generated by the transmitter at the moment of passage by the scanning beam of the aerial a rule top - the right-bottom-is left concerning axes of an airplane.

Before to pass to an analysis of a function chart of the device of formation and stabilisation of code signals it is expedient to understand basically flight controls of missile RS-2-U by which the fighter - the interceptor is armed. The principle of flight control of rocket RS-2-U is illustrated fig. 7 and consists in the following.

Station CD-30T which is onboard an airplane, creates an equisignal line on which the rocket goes to the purpose in space. At a deviation of a rocket from an equisignal line the onboard radio equipment of control of rocket RS-2-U develops control currents. Value of control currents is proportional to a percentage of modulation of the received radio signal and determines value of a deviation of control surfaces actuators of equipment of control and stabilisation.

Distribution of control currents on control channels and polarity of a current in each channel depends on a direction in which the rocket deviated an equisignal line. Data allowing to judge a direction of maintenance of a rocket from an equisignal line, are contained in structure of the radio signal and opened by onboard radio equipment by its decoding.

Station CD-30T radio signal consists of sequence of radiated radio pulses. Among the main number of single momentums scanning system of station for one turn radiate four pair momentums, so-called code steams - on one through each quarter of a turn of the aerial.

On fig. in 7 figures 1,2,3,4 2nd is noted to a rule of a beam at the moment of radiation according to 1st, 3 and 4th code pairs. Code steams differ from each other time interval between momentums in steam. The moments of radiation of code pairs correspond to stringently certain rule in space of a beam of station. On their base the onboard radio equipment forms the reference voltages necessary for development of control signals on azimuth and a corner of a place.

The structure of a radio beam of station CD-30T is represented on fig. 8.

The left half-plane on flight in which the axis of a scanning beam at the moment of radiation of 1st code pair lies is received for the initial. From it the phase angle is read out? Bending around modulation of the radio signal coming on the aerial of a rocket. Value? It is read out clockwise at the sight of on flight - in a direction of rotation of a beam. On fig. 8 the schedule of a radio signal received by a rocket is resulted. Apparently from the schedule, 1st code pair - according to the rule of a rocket represented in drawing - is moved on a corner? From a maximum of bending around modulation of a received radio signal.

Following units enter in the device of formation and stabilisation of code signals participating in activity:

. The unit of protection against the pulse handicapes, giving start momentums;

. The synchronizer giving encoded momentums of synchronisation;

. The transmitter giving encoded high-frequency momentums;

. The system radiating high-frequency momentums of the transmitter and giving reference voltages for formation of code signals;

. The stabilisation unit supplying stabilisation of reference voltages of the aerial;

. A junction box supplying commutation by activity of blocks.

On fig. 9 the function chart of the device of formation and stabilisation of code signals is presented.

Fixation of codes of signals to corresponding attitude of a scanning beam of the aerial is supplied by means of the reference voltages given by the generator of reference voltages. GON it is established on the aerial and it is rigidly connected through gear transfer 1:1 with an aerial irradiator.

The generator of reference voltages gives two sinusoidal pressure, moved among themselves on 90 °. These pressure act on a rotor of the rotating transformer (W) of the stabilisation unit of reference voltages.

Ротop the W is consolidated on an axis of an outside framework of the gyro, статор in the body of the stabilisation unit rigidly connected with axes of an airplane. On fig. 9. The kinematic scheme of stabilisation of reference voltages is represented, and diagrammes of pressure of the channel of formation of code momentums are represented on fig. 10.

At the moment of missile launch pressure + 27V moves on an electromagnet which retracts the lever, freeing a cone, thrusters and calling thereby, an uncaging of an outside and internal framework of the gyro. Thus, rigidly connected with airplane axes статор the W will rotate concerning the uncaged rotor at airplane roll, saving in aircraft co-ordinates concerning the moment launch a phase of the reference sinusoidal pressure acting with ГОНа of the aerial.

With статора W the reference sinusoidal pressure stabilised on a phase act in the synchronisation unit on the electronic circuit of formation of code momentums for transmitter start.

In the electronic circuit of the unit of synchronisation sinusoidal pressure act on control grids of amplifiers of terminators 36L1 and 36L9. In the anode of the second cascades of amplifiers differentiating transformers are actuated

36TR2 and 36 TR4.

Reference momentums of positive polarity are removed from their secondary windings by duration nearby 600 mcsec, corresponding to phases 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees of reference voltage GONа and act on control grids of amplifiers of reference voltages 36L2, 36L4,36L10, 36L12 (the left half).

Reinforced reference voltages of negative polarity move on cathodes of cascades of concurrence 36P2, 36P4, 36P10, 36SH2 (the right half), opening them.

On control grids of lamps of cascades of concurrence momentums of frequency of repetition move. The first of the past through cascades of concurrence a momentum makes start of multivibrators 36LZ, 36P5, 36L11, 36L13. Momentums positive, polarity and duration 700 мксек from anodes of multivibrators move on control grids of the second cascades of concurrence 36L6, 36L14 (both grids), on the same lamps from a delay line 36LZ-1 move the momentums detained concerning momentums of frequency of repetition on 2,3,4 and 5mcsec. At concurrence of the momentums acting from a delay line with momentums of multivibrators, there is a blocking oscillator start 36L7 (the left half). From the third winding of the pulse Transformer momentums of positive polarity act on a control grid of the amalgamator, on other control grid the detained momentums of frequency of repetition act not.

From an exit of the amalgamator momentums act on transmitter start. To delay of momentums corresponds to following phases of scanning of an irradiator:

. 2 mcsec for a phase 0 °

. 5 mcsec for a phase 90 °

. 3 mcsec for a phase 180 °

. 4 mcsec for a phase 270 °

The corner report is conducted clockwise at supervision in flight direction.

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Try to take some pics- maybe some old photos, or technical sightings???

I haven't seen any pictures of that anywhere!

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lindr, if you can update it to make it look better, GO FOR IT BROTHER!!!! :biggrin:


I just (well, basically) reused what was issued, with some very small tweeks. I was pretty sure the RP-22 radar display bmp that I used was wrong, but without a better idea (although I had given some thought to the RL-1 -whos' bmp should still be in the cockpit folder, which may be from the Su-15 or 27?? I don't remember...)


Don't forget, these Fishpots mods date back to 2004....



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
lindr, if you can update it to make it look better, GO FOR IT BROTHER!!!! :biggrin:


I just (well, basically) reused what was issued, with some very small tweeks. I was pretty sure the RP-22 radar display bmp that I used was wrong, but without a better idea (although I had given some thought to the RL-1 -whos' bmp should still be in the cockpit folder, which may be from the Su-15 or 27?? I don't remember...)


Don't forget, these Fishpots mods date back to 2004....



kevin stein


i found some errors on avionics files (some sections missed & number must be 1,2,3,4) You know this?


su-11 corrected radar display, su-9A,b must be corrected in same method





































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Yah, I'd totally forgotten the acquistion and boresight modes with I first uploaded it ... it's noted in the Release Announcement Thread, with the parts to be added in a post down the page, AND I reuploaded the whole package with the corrected avionics inis for the 9B and 11.



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Yah, I'd totally forgotten the acquistion and boresight modes with I first uploaded it ... it's noted in the Release Announcement Thread, with the parts to be added in a post down the page, AND I reuploaded the whole package with the corrected avionics inis for the 9B and 11.



kevin stein


yes now i read this, but it's wrong (symbols after 02 will not work)









must be








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Ah....CRAP!!!!! :rofl:


damn, that's the second mistake on this upload .... looks like I'm going to have to turn in my wings :wink:

Also not the first time I've missed a "off sequence'' numbering too...but I usually catch those before release.


Thanks lindr!! :good:



kevin stein

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