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Hi guys.

I'd like to know if anyone has the very fine OTC/Cuba mod fully working in a patched WOE (or patched anything fwiw) ? Based on various posts since October I have-non flickering water for the Cuba terrain but still no joy on carrier operations. A number of posts on this suggest altering deck height and the like in the carrier data ini. I've experimented endlessly raising and lowering heights in CVAN-65(early) and CV-59 class as well. The results still are the same: exploding and bobbing planes on the hangar deck below. Would really like to upgrade this favorite mod and would appreciate any more clues. Bob


PS. I do have carriers working fine in patched Korea(SFG) ,Suez(SFG), an Falkands(WOE)

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As soon as Desert Storm is finished, I'm going to start updating my old stuff, starting with my harrier campaign and the OTC mod.

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Go into the cuba terrain data ini, and where it says HeightMapScale=XXX.0000000000000, make it 2.00000000 for all of them, thats all u have to do, then carriers will work

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As soon as Desert Storm is finished, I'm going to start updating my old stuff, starting with my harrier campaign and the OTC mod.


Fantastic -- Many thanks.

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Go into the cuba terrain data ini, and where it says HeightMapScale=XXX.0000000000000, make it 2.00000000 for all of them, thats all u have to do, then carriers will work


Great news, I'm on it. Appreciate the look.

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