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Hello guys I have Lock On Modern Air Combat in V1.01


I have searched over the google for a mod to unlock all the aircrafts in my version but nothing.



Do you know how to do this? or mod to help me?

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Um. No can do, my friend.


There are some mods available that allow you to REPLACE some of the aircraft with different visual models but that's about it.



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Hello guys I have Lock On Modern Air Combat in V1.01 I have searched over the google for a mod to unlock.......


There is no Mod to do this for Lockon v1.00 or v1.01 or v1.02, all you can do is use some of the Community made Mods that do what kirbykern said above, ie they overlay an aircraft with the look of another. Great for movies or screenshots, but you still have the flight model and cockpit of the original aircraft.


If you buy the payware add-on Lockon:Flaming Cliffs (LOFC) then it has additional code that allows a Mod to work that lets you to fly all the AI aircraft.

HOWEVER, this code was added primarily for movie makers. The AI aircraft will have a mish-mash of the basic Su-27 flight model and the flight model of whatever AI you are flying. All of them will have the default Su-27 cockpit. Some weapons may or may not work. Small aircraft like the F-5 will go like a rocket (small jet with Su-27 engines), large aircraft like the B-52 will fly like brick (big jet but with only Su-27 engines), in fact you will have to start it in the air as you will not have enough power to even get it off the runway.

So be warned, don't pay for LOFC just to be able to download this Mod. This Mod was designed for movie makers, so they could more easily make the AI do what they want for the perfect movie shot (rather than trying to make the AI do what they want by using the Mission editor).


Incidentally, you should think about at least upgrading to patch level v1.02, it fixes a few more things and is regarded as more stable than v1.01, but be warned that v1.02 does change a few key assignments and joystick button assignments eg firing the weapons on US aircraft.

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Thanks for the replies



I finally decide to install LOFC. But I think there are many changes in the gameplay I don't know why but I can't fire a missile with F-15C and A-10 Aircafts. When I press fire the cannon start firing, with the russian aircrafts I play just fine.


Any ideas?

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There is a separate command to fire weapons (missiles, bombs) on the U.S. aircraft. There is a keychart in your Doc folder in Flaming Cliffs.

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1.02 also removes the CD check.


We've all just faced the fact that LOMAC was not designed to be modded to any degree. No new planes, etc. It's why I eventally lost interest in it and fly my Thirdwire sims exclusively these days.


Flaming Cliffs is OK but the DRM just ticks me off. I don't trust it and I've got plenty of other simming to do.

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Thanks for the replies



I finally decide to install LOFC. But I think there are many changes in the gameplay I don't know why but I can't fire a missile with F-15C and A-10 Aircafts. When I press fire the cannon start firing, with the russian aircrafts I play just fine.


Any ideas?


Actually the vanilla Lockon patch level v1.02 introduced this change originally. Flaming Cliffs is later than v1.02 so you will see it there too. On US aircraft only, spacebar will always fire the cannon, Enter key will handle missiles, rockets, bombs.


Why was it done ? To better simulate the real world situation in US aircraft which have seperate cannon and other weapon firing.

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Thanks for the replies guys.



I find the answer after my post but then I have an internet connection problem and I can't enter to the forum here to post it.

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