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my first TFT & wide screen

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I am thinking of changing to 16:10 TFT (22"-24") and i wanted to ask, how the menus, load screens etc part (not the flight part) of the game look in those aspects ? (16:10) are they getting distorted and / or pixelated (jaggy) ?

Edited by squid

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Depends. If your graphics card have the option of maintaining aspect ratio, then it shouldn't be a huge problem.

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Depends. If your graphics card have the option of maintaining aspect ratio, then it shouldn't be a huge problem.



errr what exactly do you mean ? :blush: (btw its a 8800GTS 512)

Edited by squid

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errr what exactly do you mean ? :blush: (btw its a 8800GTS 512)


Most graphics cards and monitors have various ways to handle non-native resolutions (i.e., resolutions that differ from the LCD screen's resolution - most 24in lcd's have a native resolution of 1920x1200).


The basic options are:



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Thanks :)


But, is the GUI (load screens, menus, settings etc) linked to the in-game resolution and aspect ratio? (or independent?)


For example if i find out that the most appealing in-game resolution in my supposedly 16:10 monitor is lets say a full screen 1068x1050 (not centered downscaled etc) will the GUI also have this resolution or will it be a magnified 1024X768 ? Will it be undistorted like the actual game or will it have its own rigid setup and appear distorted ? etc


Does the GUI maybe have provisions and different display elements and aspect ration design acording to aspect rations and resolutions ? (for example a common 1024x768 for 4:3/5:4 aspect ratio resolutions and a 1068x1050 for 16:10/16:9 ones )


And i am not asking about TW series only, its a question about other sims as well, LockOn, FSX, etc Ofcourse every game have i suppose its own different GUI aspect ration & reesolution behavior, just curious, in general, is it common or not occuring at all to have distorted and pixelated (inflated bitmap images) game GUIs on wide screens?



Edited by squid

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It depends :smile:


The SF/WOx series has a standard interface resolution of 1024x768 --> depending on how you set your vid card and monitor settings, the gui will be stretched out or not.


SF2 appears to set the screen resolution at your in flight resolution and then stretch out (and distort) the 1024x768 menu.


There are a number of higher resolution/wide screen menu sets out there. The main issue is that the individual hangar screens are usually 1024x768 only.


Other games will handle their GUI differently.

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Τhanks :smile: i see

Edited by squid

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Got me an Eizo 22" S2202W (upgrading from Viewsonic G90f+ 19" CRT, very cool CRT monitor, i am keeping it) and having the nvidia drivers scaling applications to their original proper aspect ratio solves the TW interface distortions. The sim looks awesome in 16:10 although the textures start to seem low in resolution at 1680x1050 and in the case of ground textures the probably not so great response times of the specific monitor helps them look better a bit with its slight pseudo motion-blur effect :P which also adds a bit of cinematography feel to the movement of planes :P

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