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Doritos By Candlelight.....

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Contrary to what the medical experts say, I really must eat Doritos (potato chips) more often:


I was on the forum here about an hour and a half ago discussing the creation of an 80s campaign for SF2 when ... :blink: .... the mains power went in the whole neighbourhood and surrounding areas. My laptop went onto battery power but my broadband receiver unit in the hall is connected to the mains so, yes you've guessed it, no broadband. "F**k this anyway", I said to myself as I closed my laptop.

For the next 45 minutes I tried to entertain myself my watching the flames dance in the hearth and wondering what the hell to do with myself for entertainment when suddenly my stomach started telling me it needed a snack. I wandered out the kitchen using my mobile phone as a makeshift torch. Sandwich? Nahhhh..... I'd probably cut one of my fingers off in the process. Instant noodles? Nahhhh.... no power for the kettle. But then I thought of that big packet of Doritos I didn't finish the other night when I was washing them down with (more than) a few beers while watching DVDs.

Why not. So in I plodded to the living room with the remains of a pack of 'chilli heatwave' flavour Doritos and sat myself down next to the candles and munched away.

Two minutes later....... :yahoo: ...... the electricity company said "let there be power", and there was power. And yes, it was GOOOOOOOD!


I must put a couple of packs of those tasty snacks on this week's shopping list for my Mrs.

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Personally, Cool Ranch is my Dorito of choice.

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Cool Ranch or original Nacho for me. CR of course was the first non-Nacho flavor. All these others are just trendy garbage.

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