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I just got IL2; FB-AEP-PF, not working. Read forums, patched, (FB: 121,201) (PF: 303m, 304m, 401m, 402m, 403m, 404m, 408m). Reinstalling 3rd time; FB-AEP-PF to SAME folder (C:Prog files, Ubisoft)? More patches needed? (paid patch, 409m)? Want to run it on Hyperlobby. Hate to give up on this, looks good. Any help is much appreciated.

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If you only have up to PF, you can't install 4.08m. I think you can only go to 4.04? I forget exactly.

4.08m is the patch for Il-2:46, which included the 3 addons of Pe-2, 46, and Sturmoviks over Manchuria.

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