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Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

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my opinion only...this book SUCKS!


And the really scary part is this: "Matthew Stover stated on his blog that "Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor is my attempt to get the EU back to its pre-Zahn roots -- specifically, to evoke memories of my all-time favorite Star Wars books, Brian Daley's Han Solo novels."


"pre-Zahn novels"...sure, and I want to drive a wagon train to work every day...plus this book is literally brimming with "hit like a Xanthanian womprat on a fast hyperspace lane express"...I truly HATE those quips...they were not in any of the canon dialogues (other than "nerf herder") and they detract...why dont they go all original BSG and call it a "centon" or whatever?


I really had thought it would be a good read, but the author ruined it for me...hopefully the novels do NOT NOT NOT start following this style...getting through the waste of time that "Revelation" was I consider insulting enough..and just read a clip regarding the new series...does not look good. I mean the last series would have been a great 3-book series...but man there was so much padding to make it 9 books in order to make more money...really sad...looks like they are going to ruin the EU forever...oh and also didnt like how the last series seemed to have to have a EU character die in every other book...sad...and will NEVER understand why killing Mara was his path to Sith-dom...that was just lame...you could tell they wanted the outrage of killing Chewy (ie, selling books and garnering attention) but did not have the political backing to get one of the "big names"...pale attempt and stupid reasoning...



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I've not started it yet. I just finished Millenium Falcon, which I found a decent read as it really wove together things from all across the SW universe from prequel era thru the stuff between the trilogies and then out into the EU in a believable way.


I must admit the direction the EU is taking in general seems to be confusing, too. After the whole NJO thing ends, they have a multi-year gap until that Swarm Nest trilogy. It was ok, nothing major goes on. Then you have another multi-year gap and this Legacy of the Force thing just didn't live up to what I hoped. I was expecting to see more of the "shadow Sith" or whoever that Alema finds and let THEM be where the thing leads to. After Mara died, though, I knew it wouldn't end well for "Darth Caedus"...whatever THAT means.


MF is defniitely setting things up for later, though. I guess they're trying to work out how to get from there to the comics taking place a century later with Cade Skywalker where the Jedi are again wiped out and another Sith joins with the Imperial Remnant to make a new Empire.

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I have been reading the Cade-series as it comes out in (whatever it is called when they publish a year's worth of comics in one book) and really like it...so different, so interesting...much better character development.


I cant even finish SoM because it is so cheezie...really bad...


MF is by Luceno, and he is like my second favorite after Zahn...Stover really disappointed me


And that whole Alema being indestructible thing for like so many of the novels was retarded, period...


This Fate of the Jedi http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fate_of_the_Jedi series already sounds bad...more of the same as that awful LotF crap...9 books? Probably, like LotF could make it 3 really good ones rather than draw it out and thus garner 3x the revenue for 3x the fluff


That being said, so far I have enjoyed the Coruscant Nights series...awaiting III this month and hopefully it doesnt dissappoint.



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Yeah, CN3 comes out tomorrow. I'll be grabbing that one for sure.

I've also been going back and rereading the older novels again. I've stopped for a time due to having a bunch of new books to read, and rereading my B5 novels, but I'll be going back to it soon.

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Am anticipating CN3...if it disappoints then that is alright since my Amazon order arrived today...about 9 volumes on Bushido and one excellent MiG-21 units in Viet Nam


Especially if the FotJ series starts off like the last series, no way I want to trudge through that again

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LOL, and my wife complains about how much I can spend on Amazon some times!!


Of course, between DVDs, books, games, and even electronics I get a wide variety of stuff from them.

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