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Tiling gives me the sh@%'s

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Hi guys, trying to enhance a tile.bmp from WoeE, but when i save it as a different file.bmp, in game it doesnt turn out, just a white tile. All i wanna do is make a 90 degree turn in a road on a field tile.

Whot am i doing wrong?

By the sounds of all the other threads it should be easy! I am using Photoshop 7.

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You need to place tiles with terrain editor.


Toolbar---->TextureList--->Edit Texture Map List------>New

Then place it where you want it to be and save

Copy TFD, and new DATA.ini(or better yet only the entry of the new tile) saved by editor and the new tile in your terrain folder.


Done! ;-)

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You need to place tiles with terrain editor.


Toolbar---->TextureList--->Edit Texture Map List------>New

Then place it where you want it to be and save

Copy TFD, and new DATA.ini(or better yet only the entry of the new tile) saved by editor and the new tile in your terrain folder.


Done! ;-)


Thanx for replying Brain, I have used these steps to place the tile in the editor, got a backup copy of my data.ini, then transfered the new tile ini stuff over. I can see the tile in TE, but in game i get the white tile of death!!!!!!

I have checked the knowledge base and done a search so i don't have to write these noob posts. But i could find anything directly answering this.

I have made a tile just by cutting out the road section from the germanyj-roadt1.bmp file, then pasting it into a field tile. I save this new tile as a bmp, photoshop asks me how to save (and this is where i think i am going wrong). I save the file as a bmp, windows, 8 bits per channel, RGB file. Then i do all the stuff you mentioned, and i still get white.


very annoying but there must be an easy answer.

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I have built some road tiles using PS. Are you making sure the tile is not multiple layered. Usually when I build a road tile. I do what you have described and then use Crtl-E to bring it all into a single layer. I save the tile as a 24-bit tile bmp.

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Creating brand new tiles is fun isn't it???? :crazy:


Been running inot something similiar my self, but I think my issue is something in the alpha channel...had some sea2grassfield tiles that looked ok, but vanished into an empty space when in game.


but for a standard bmp tile, just make sure there's no layers, and have a copy of the new tile IN the Terrain Editor's MAIN folder, then do as krfrge said, add it from inside the TE with the edit texture list function.


I've been adding the 'new' tiles to the data ini by hand; it's a simple copy/paste for me since I'm basically just repainting an already existing tile, and renaming it.


Now, if I could just get the damn sea/land transitions right....



kevin stein


EDIT: ok, fixed the problem with the 'sea'....ALWAYS double check the data ini's entry for the tile, and make sure it's got the proper HasWater= line. 0 don't cut it...but 1 do!!

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