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Lo' all.


Ordered SFP1 from gogamer.com this morning. Should be here tomorrow!. Anxious to check it out. Based on what I've read it has it's problems but that not unusual this time of year. (publishers pushing the developers) :( Went ahead and ordered it though primarily because it appears the community here has embraced it so well.


One thing I'm a sucker for is a good take-off/landing experience. I was looking for screenshots but didn't see much on the approaches or tarmac scenery :roll:


P.S. I don't suppose by some stroke of genius there is any in-flight refueling is there? I didn't see anything on that but figured I'd ask.


If there are any *must do/Have* mods for a new install, I'd appreciate the heads up.


For now I'll be flying on a AMD 1.2ghz, Geforce3 64meg, SB Audigy running XP pro and a (don't laugh) MS Sidewinder 2 USB non-ff. Planning on a Cougar but not available locally yet.



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Hiya tc. Got to the links page on biohaz. They got several good sites with skins you'll want to add when ya get the game. There is also the capability to make all the AI aircraft flyable, verrrrrry kewl. There are a number of mods waiting for Third Wires release of the nessesary tools. There is no inflight refueling yet, hopefully in an addon or patch eh? The tarmac and base screens look pretty good. owever we have noticed some video clipping when you are on the ground, looks like the wheels sinking in the ground. But other than that and a few other minor problems, this game pretty much rocks. I hope ta shoot ya down soon... :D

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welcome aboard tc,the community just keeps growing.I think you'll find that this game is very good compared to some I've got and after awhile they make dandy coasters. :D if you have any questions this is THE place to ask them...the folks here are very knowledgeable and eager to help.

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