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Trying to change "RecordScreen" music

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Hey there. I've been changing various menu music in WOE/ODS but am having trouble getting the "RecordScreen" music to play. I first realised that my music for this was in mp3 format so I converted it to wave format which is the format that WOE's music is in. However the music still won't play when I go ingame to the Pilot selection screen. What am I missing here?


I also recall that in the TopGun music mod for download here, the author had "Great Balls of Fire" playing while you look at your planning map. How was he able to get separate music to play for the planning map? The reason I ask is because from what I can tell, the "HangarRadio1" sound file seems to play for all of the various hangar screens including loadout, planning map, flight roster sections.



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