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Target Flanders News:

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Posted by JoGunn at www.ww1sims.com:


"It's time to start thinking about looking in on Target:Flanders once again. Parts of the sim are coming together very nicely and the future looks very good with things in the pipeline that are gonna knock your WW1 simming socks off.




open a free account during the open beta period.


The latest update is up and ready for your inspection. So far it looks like we have room to add a lot more in the way of ground targets at the front and the battles between the Eindecker and the Gunbus are being tuned to give the EIII it's historical advantage. Planes are in the works to bring about the end of the Eindecker Scourge and level the playing field.


What do you want from your WW1 sim? At Targetware the players have the power to mold the sim to whatever they want it to be."

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