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Guest Joe SharpShooter

Dogfighting with Cannons Only!

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Guest Joe SharpShooter

As I said in my first post, I am a novice. This might be considered dumbs subject ti inquire. Whatever, I do need urgent help. 


I just install F-16 Arab. Damn beautiful birds. Problems r: (1) NOTHIN to LOAD in wps. loading; (2) No chaffs, no flares, no external TANKS for avtur. 


How to use the weapon editor (there is .exe there)? Pls simple steps for me. Don't worry about English, I had lived in three different English-speaking countries (late 1959 0 early 1982 Melbourne Ausie managed to study till 2nd grade Glen Irish Melbourne), 4yrs North America; 4 years East Africa, and visited several countris (almost one month Tokyo),


I have read the tutorials elsewhere here. Which Weapons pack I must download? I played only WoI, though I own WOE, WOV,Lock On Combat, Appache et Longbow. My DVD drive does not work, WOI does'nt need the CD available locally. Btw, could anyone help "hack" WOE, WOV especially to play WITHOUT the respective CDs??? Dumb Qs.


SECOND problems:


There two other additional F-16s I managed to put into WOI main folder (downloaded here). On MISSION OK, weap load OK. But, NO birds at all on TAKE OFF screen! Btw, the F-16B fly n dogfight perfecto!


HOW ro install WEAPONS, tanks, flares, chaffs in those F-16s, and F-16 ARABs??? Which .ini etc to load? HOW TO GET Non-US weapons since the Arabian F-16 are DENIED such weapons? They call EXPORT control Regime.


Where can one download, FREE, Chinese weaps for the Arabs birds mentioned??


Lastly, the TU-16 (there r two just downloaded yesterdy from here), could FLY OK. But, when I opened the Bomb Bay (door), it did not open. The bombs (only one type tho there r two other variants n havier) do drop anywa. And, I forgot how to activate the GUNNER's cannon on the BACK, upper- and lower-side of the fuselage???


HELP, HELP, HELP! Dumb qs as I stated.


Thank u guys. Xcuse my typos.

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As I said in my first post, I am a novice. This might be considered dumbs subject ti inquire. Whatever, I do need urgent help.


I just install F-16 Arab. Damn beautiful birds. Problems r: (1) NOTHIN to LOAD in wps. loading; (2) No chaffs, no flares, no external TANKS for avtur.


How to use the weapon editor (there is .exe there)? Pls simple steps for me. Don't worry about English, I had lived in three different English-speaking countries (late 1959 0 early 1982 Melbourne Ausie managed to study till 2nd grade Glen Irish Melbourne), 4yrs North America; 4 years East Africa, and visited several countris (almost one month Tokyo),


I have read the tutorials elsewhere here. Which Weapons pack I must download? I played only WoI, though I own WOE, WOV,Lock On Combat, Appache et Longbow. My DVD drive does not work, WOI does'nt need the CD available locally. Btw, could anyone help "hack" WOE, WOV especially to play WITHOUT the respective CDs??? Dumb Qs.


SECOND problems:


There two other additional F-16s I managed to put into WOI main folder (downloaded here). On MISSION OK, weap load OK. But, NO birds at all on TAKE OFF screen! Btw, the F-16B fly n dogfight perfecto!


HOW ro install WEAPONS, tanks, flares, chaffs in those F-16s, and F-16 ARABs??? Which .ini etc to load? HOW TO GET Non-US weapons since the Arabian F-16 are DENIED such weapons? They call EXPORT control Regime.


Where can one download, FREE, Chinese weaps for the Arabs birds mentioned??


Lastly, the TU-16 (there r two just downloaded yesterdy from here), could FLY OK. But, when I opened the Bomb Bay (door), it did not open. The bombs (only one type tho there r two other variants n havier) do drop anywa. And, I forgot how to activate the GUNNER's cannon on the BACK, upper- and lower-side of the fuselage???


HELP, HELP, HELP! Dumb qs as I stated.


Thank u guys. Xcuse my typos.

Some older planes were not made for WoI and have not been updated to work with the latest patch, read the read me file included with the download to make sure use the latest weap editor(by Date) There is a weap pack made for WoI it, says "For WoI only" No one here will tell you any way to "hack" a 3rd wire sim. do like we all have done buy it. once you buy it it is downloadable no disc needed.


To get nation specific weaps you will have to read the knowledge Base or wait til wrench or some other very knowing person advises you. there are some steps you will have to follow. again some planes don't work in WoI because they were not made for it you can get them to work but you will have to wait for a person with a bigger brain than mine.

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Add a patch to your WOE install and it shouldn't need the disk anymore...atleast mine didn't...which was good becuase I lost my disk :haha:

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Greets Joe! Welcome to combatace!


Using the weapons editors is quite simple, and covered in boatlods of posts scattered around the site, and in this thread in the Knowldge Base:




as to the cd issue, WoI runs just fine once fully installed. Don't forget to get and run the latest patch (9/08? methinks?)


This post, linked below to a "TMF WepPak Adjustments" Thread in Knowledge Base may be helpfull...on the F-16 (Arab) BTW, the TMF Pak is THE pack to use for WoI -- it's very 'era specific', and fits just fine. Unless, of course, you're goint earlier than 1963 -- then you'll need to add things for WW2 era aircraft (but that's for another time...)




That post carries the additional 'nationalized' EAF weapons listings.


now, I haven't updated this for a while, but I'm given to understand that aircraft classed as "enemy" can now carry 'friendly' weapons (case in point: WoI Hunters carrying UK/RAF bombs, rocket pods and such)


So, theoretically, you can change the AttachmentType= to read "NATO" (without the quotes), and make some adjustments in the loadout ini (meaning: remove the EYG from in front of each weapons listing

I have NOT tested this personally, but some of the other Experten have corrected me on this, and if they say it works, it do!! :yes:


as to the Badgers, I don't fly bombers -- they's just targets. All gunners on the bombers, weither player flown or AI are controled by said AI. There's no player control over them.


You definately want to spend some time up in the KB ... there's lots and lots and lots of great things up there to help with modding and adjusting and fiddling and messing with things.


any other questions, feel free to ask



kevin stein

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Guest Joe SharpShooter

Morning Wrench; first n foremost my sincere gratitude for ur time to compose ur explanation. Re "hackk," allow me pls to clarify. The appropriate term is TWEAKing it. As said, I OWN three disks of theWOI, WOV, and the WOE. Can no longer play WOV n WOE as my laptop DVD drive crashed landed lst yr. I was wondering how THIRDWIRE made three diff. games (the WOI, WWOE, WOV), only ONE i.e. the WOI can be SAVED in a hard disk also USB (mine 4Gigs) n can be played WITHOUT loading the disk. The WOV n WOE need the CDs to run/play.


It's 5a.m. in Jakarta, gotta do my Dawn prayer first. O shall be back with mor detailed info on the problems in THREE F-16s I installed in the WOI main folder (I shall attached the Screen Shots.... u gonna laught like crazy seeing them later! Real invisible F-16! Still, the Issraeli Netz' Phyton could drop me!).


Btw, can I attached max. just three Screen shots in this forum, later? Coz they r related to the problems above.




Greets Joe! Welcome to combatace!


Using the weapons editors is quite simple, and covered in boatlods of posts scattered around the site, and in this thread in the Knowldge Base:




as to the cd issue, WoI runs just fine once fully installed. Don't forget to get and run the latest patch (9/08? methinks?)


This post, linked below to a "TMF WepPak Adjustments" Thread in Knowledge Base may be helpfull...on the F-16 (Arab) BTW, the TMF Pak is THE pack to use for WoI -- it's very 'era specific', and fits just fine. Unless, of course, you're goint earlier than 1963 -- then you'll need to add things for WW2 era aircraft (but that's for another time...)




That post carries the additional 'nationalized' EAF weapons listings.


now, I haven't updated this for a while, but I'm given to understand that aircraft classed as "enemy" can now carry 'friendly' weapons (case in point: WoI Hunters carrying UK/RAF bombs, rocket pods and such)


So, theoretically, you can change the AttachmentType= to read "NATO" (without the quotes), and make some adjustments in the loadout ini (meaning: remove the EYG from in front of each weapons listing

I have NOT tested this personally, but some of the other Experten have corrected me on this, and if they say it works, it do!! :yes:


as to the Badgers, I don't fly bombers -- they's just targets. All gunners on the bombers, weither player flown or AI are controled by said AI. There's no player control over them.


You definately want to spend some time up in the KB ... there's lots and lots and lots of great things up there to help with modding and adjusting and fiddling and messing with things.


any other questions, feel free to ask



kevin stein

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Guest Joe SharpShooter
Add a patch to your WOE install and it shouldn't need the disk anymore...atleast mine didn't...which was good becuase I lost my disk :haha:

Tonnes of thanks Elite member. Will soon try, download first upfate patch of WOE. Is there any update patch for WOV as well, so I can play again w/o de CD? Thanks again.

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joe my apologizes I did not know that there were discs I have 4 3rd wire titles and i bought them on line so they went to my hard drive.

Edited by Viper6

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Yeah, mine's (exepting WoI and FE) are from the Dark Ages ... when we had to buy CDs


The latest patches SHOULD fix the CD issue, (as the 10/08 one has everything from all the eariler ones, plus more goodies) as long the games are already installed, that is... duh!! I forgot that one!



kevin stein

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Yeah, I haven't needed the disc to run my WOV in ages - just to reinstall it, from time to time.

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Guest Joe SharpShooter
Yeah, I haven't needed the disc to run my WOV in ages - just to reinstall it, from time to time.


Danke gentlemen, and especially to u Senior Mmbr re the WOV. I shall just do it later. Again, my ACER (1.5 Gig Mem, XP -- oh, so using the VISTA also can play WO*? I just read previous discussion, coz I plan to buy new notebook -- just read the Review of an HP, with a max, of 8Gig Mem., preinstalled 2Gigs, some 14 hundred USD here in Jakarta. screen 13.something inches, HDD 250Gig) yet installed with VISTA )I don't like it gulping too much Mem!) DVD drive kaput! Gotta use my daughter AMD ACER to copy WOV et WOI.



Re update patch from 3rdwire, I only use the APRIL 08, coz the later ones (August to Oct 08) were causing havoc in my WOI: (1) could no more using the deadly -- close range when AI was doing LESS than 400 knots point-to-point on their tails -- AGB-65B Mav to drop AI in my favorite F-4E Phantom or F-16 Netz. Btw, cannot be used for such purpose on F-4 2000. (2) my main a-to-a missiles EXPLODED as soon as I launched it v any AI; (3( created BLACK rectanular box on the ground! So, I simply dumped the patches. Wonder if de same will also happen to the WOE et WOV patches/updates. I stick to just the APRIL 08 update. Further infos re this glitches r much appreciated. Danke.


Will be back later gentlemen. My thanks go also to Wrench et others responding to my previous S.O.S.

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