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First flights with SF

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Looks pretty good! I was a bit disappointed at some of the things that seem to be missing that we get to see in alot of other sims. Chances are alot of this has already been mentioned or maybe plans to add it are in the works. This is meant as more of a 'wish list' rather then a 'b*tch list. :wink:


Visually, the planes look REALLY nice. I'm partial to the Skyhawk myself and it's by far the best I've seen before (granted there haven't been alot of A-4 sims in the past) :)


Would have liked to have seen some training missions. Like alot of others, I've been spoiled by the more modern a/c sim with 'line it up, drop it and run technology. The manual is pretty much NIL on the subject of bombing. Maybe someone could write a good tutorial for us newbies?


No eject? Boo Hiss - I've become a pro at ejecting <grin> and the press (esc) thing stinks. I don't necessarily need to follow the chute all the way to the ground but visuals on leaving the a/c would have been nice.


Cockpits look good overall but it would have been great to see a little more detail in terms of maybe a flap indicator, gear indicator, etc. ~ Sorry, I'm one of those guys that likes being able to flip the switches..


Nose Gear (NWS) - I am a sucker for bringing my plane home, landing and getting to taxi to the ramp. You can do it here, but the darn nose wheel stays straight! Grrrrrr! :) It would also be nice to have at least a "E" to shut down or spool it up.


Taxiway lights are too bright, I need a landing light. My map light isn't doing it. :cry:


Tailhook - awesome! Anybody seen the boat? And while I'm lost in my pipe dream, I want a crash baricade.


My Skyhawk has a refuel probe and I wanna use it!


We need an A-6


Overall I like it, I've got a long way to go on learning how to put ordinance on target. Hopefully the online community of talented code hackers can make some improvements. Either way it's nice to see a sim dedicated to this era.

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Guest Ranger332

This is a partical review from Gamespy:

Strike Fighters is clearly missing some pieces, but the product may be salvageable. One of Third Wire's goals was to keep Strike Fighters fairly extensible, so post-release patches and third-party work may make Strike Fighters much like Falcon 4.0, which was even more broken at its release, but eventually earned some respect from the sim community.

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I think your first impressions were quite resonable. What you mentioned as missing, we all pretty much have noticed and grumbled about too. I said almost exact same thing about the lack of eject sequence in a thread in this forum. The non steering nosewheel and useless tailhook have passed thru the fire in the forums too. I appreciated your comments also about no training missions or bombing tutorial, heck, they arent even mentioned in the manual as you stated. Check out the thread here on the A6 and yes we should have a refeuling capability, THAT woulda been cool.

So I think we all probably agree that there is a LOT of work yet to be done. Good news is that TK and crew are hot on their end fixing the bugs. He has also said that a mission editor is in the works as well as the hopefully soon release of the nessesary tools for modding. Though as I understand it, a lot of work is already in progrees using readily available software like 3dmax. The community, as small as it is, is an awesome group of people who have more than a passing interest in this timeframe of flight and combat. A LOT of guys are ex military who flew these birds or worked on them. (Make sure ya dont post some silly comment on these aircraft with no basis in fact as someone with experiance will likely call you on it, saw it done at least once already in another forum, hehehe)

Now that ya got the game, dont forget to download some skins here at BIOHAZ and elsewhere to spruce it up a bit. Annnnd, dont forget to make your AI aircraft flyable too, they are a blast! I even made my own loadout and hanger bmp's for my MIG fleet. I understand the patch should be out before Christmas now, so all we gotta do is practice till then. Then let the games BEGIN! BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! *choke* *ack* *gasp* ...gottta...quit...doin that...

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Guest Ranger332

PC right about getting called on bad comments saw a posting about an F-4 being the "king of CAS" lol they dont know about the A-1 Skyraider,or the A37 "tweety".

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Man, AT-37 Dragonfly's rock. I never thought about adding those to SF!

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You know, I saw somewhere some pics of a A-37 that someone is working on. We may see it yet in this game. :)

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