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TMF Kurnass in SF2

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So far, I've added a number of WOX/SFP1 aircraft to SF2 without any great trouble. But the TMF Kurnass is a problem I can't work out.


It shows in the menu, etc, etc, and you get into the sim to find you don't have a cockpit. Known problem. Then you go to outside view and you find your ordnance is flying along by itself - with no aircraft.


So... Back into F-4E_IDF.ini to look for the trouble.


It's the LODs. This is whay you get:























I have loaded the F-4E LODs into the same folder, so they should show. They don't. Nor does kurnass.lod.


When you change all the LODs for the 100% Kurnass one, it works, even if I still have a problem with the now-visible-too cockpit textures.


So if you have this:






















It works perfectly well, but it'll kill your FPS. Weird.

This aircraft runs perfectly in SFG... So why won't it here?

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OK, so the SF2 F-4E uses LODS with a different name - F-4E_LOD2.LOD in place of the SFG F-4E_LOD002.LOD etc. BUT if you modify the entries in the ini file to reflect that, you get a shock - in cockpit view you're looking out over your left shoulder (with the gunsight), and from outside, your aircraft is invisible...


I'm going to try the original SFG LODs. Maybe...

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OK, success. If you copy ALL the new SF2 cockpit files into the cockpit folder, and the LODs from the old WOX/SFG/SFP1 F-4E into the folder too, it'll work.


So basically although cockpits from SF2 seem to fit models from SF2, there are some incompatibilities when it comes to mixing model types.


Bloody hell, though, life can be complicated.

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think is due to the fact that SF2 uses some new code with the LODs - as I and others tried to import SF2 models back to WoV etc - and the fact that the MF model does not have the same mesh names as the new SF2 models... most likely the former reason - try the SFG lods and see what you get.




just edit:




Distance=8000 <---------- here


and delete the rest of the LOD entries.

Edited by Crab_02

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Thanks, Crab - my own conclusion, too. There must be the sort of incompatibility between them that we had with CFS1 and 2. You could get CFS1 models to work well in CFS2, but the inverse wasn't true.


It does work with the original WOX LODs, so at least we have it running, even if it isn't quite as good as the new one.


If you use the LOD 100 model at all distances, it'll do nasty things to your FPS, though - that's a cleaner version of the one I tried. My computer's not that fast any more...

Edited by ndicki

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