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Mike Dora

Changing Single-Mission Default Altitudes

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Does anyone know what file to edit, to change the default single-mission altitudes? At the moment everything seems to take place below 5000ft, yet the literature on WW1 aviation indicates that they regularly flew a lot higher than that. For example, if I recall right, in his "No Parachute" Arthur Gould Lee compared the performance of Pups vs Albatri above & below 15,000 ft - never mind the absence of breathing oxygen!


I've tried editing the "[Altitude]" lines in the MISSIONCONTROL.INI file, but seemingly to no avail. Any ideas anyone?





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that works for me Mike


make sure you put the MISSIONCONTROL.INI in the Flight folder

numbers are metres (you probably know that :blush: )

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Se5a's would generally fly up to 17k feet with camels around 10k ft with coverage from the Se5A's. the altitudes in game are very low. i have had it start at 6k ft before, and am generally above the enemy flight in single missions. good practice for boom n zoom tactics if you can get those mission parameters. not sure what it does to the enemy flight if altitudes are changed. i might mess with it tonight...

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I changed my altitudes abit. very high is 5000m, 4000 for high, medium 3000 and i think low is 1000 or so. Balloon busting must use the medium as i was at 9800ft plus or minus and very far above the height of the balloon, which is about 3-4k ft. I was in spad 13 just trying it out when i encountered albatros scouts then fokker dr1 at my hieght or so, give or take. one must take them out or lose altitude. i used the map to find the waypoint to it, as i had set the cloud layer to 3rd setting from stormy or whatever it is. fwiw,

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