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Video Doesn't Show On Xp

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Anyone have this issue? None of the actual in-game videos display on my XP box. The sound is fine, but the vids themselves just show a blank screen. The rest of the game runs perfect.


BTW, I forgot how intense this game can be. I played the India/Sri Lanka campaign last night and those damn Indian boats attack immediately! :blink: I'm racing to get my sensors online and there's already a crapload of stuff inbound! <_< But I managed to beat them back without taking any damage.

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MJ, Try posting your problem on the Naval Warfare Project forum on Yahoo-Groups. The guys at NWS are really good at figuring out problems and they know the code inside out. I think most of them run XP also so maybe they can give you a good answer.


That scenario is tough. I usually start out with "auto-engage" on in properties. But with your sensers off at first, when you turn them on and see all the crap flying at you, it can give you a heart attack... :blink:

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