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Does Anyone Have The Campaign Mission Objectives?

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Does anyone have the mission objectives for each of the missions in the campaign? My comp will lock up on me when I chose campaign if I don't hit the FLY button when I get to the mission objectives page very quickly, thus I don't have enough time to read them, LOL! This is the farthest I've gotten to play this game, so I'm happy I can even fly a mission. Must be something in my computer, but I just got it a week ago just to play LOMAC and I have nothing else on it except LOMAC. I've tried to upgrade to all of the drivers and mess around with antialiasing and aniso filtering and virtual memory. Thanks to all of those tips from you guys. My comp is very quirky about locking up, so I have to walk on eggshells so to speak. At the end of every crash, I have to reboot if I hit QUIT; but if i hit CNTRL+ALT+DEL and end task, I can just restart the game. I love this game, I just seem to have to jump through a lot of hoops to fly, LOL! No matter, Falcon4 was much more problematic at the start. Ya gotta keep perspective, LOL!

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