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Can't install Lock On?

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Hi,have recently purchased Lock On again and have tried to install it but my XP system does'nt want to install it.I have in the past had Lock On,on my system and I have ensured there is no trace of the old one still on my pc in any folders.However when I load the disc I get the installation window that comes up with the headings,Uninstall,Play,Register and Quit,not INSTALL.I can only assume there is still something on my pc that still thinks this is installed but there is nothing left,I have checked my program folders to make sure.Has anyone got any idea how I can reinstall Lock On on to my pc.I have tried to uninstall anything that sill maybe on my pc but I get an error messeage when I try to uninstall that states:ERROR LOADING C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTALL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\0701\Intel32\Ctor.dll.Any help would be really appreciated.Thank You.

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Download freeware Glary Utilities and use the registry cleaner, then the disk space junk file cleaner, and the program removal utility, shortcuts checker, etc.

It sounds like you've still got some registry edits from LOMAC. You said you've manually checked for residual folders/directories, so it really ought to be just registry traces.


Also before reinstalling make sure your XP is all up to date, and all your drivers, etc., after using the registry and shortcuts cleaner.

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Thanks verymuch for the tip,somewhere on my pc there was some sort of a registration trace,this was deleted which then enabled the new install,superb,and thanks again.

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