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WoE OCT 08,wich sky mod?

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Hi,finally I set up WoE with the Oct 08 patch,better late than never!

So I really don't know wich sky mod put into my flight folder!

The stock having the great altitude sky issue,tryng install widesky I lost this capability to "climb into dark blue sky"

So I'm using now the ODS flight folder parameters.

Wich is the best way to go to have both high quality sky mod without lose the effect mentioned?

In ODS mod the clouds height-in partly cloudy sky-are setted standard or they've tweaked to reach heights proper for a desert area?

I really don't know well operate in these parameters,any help is always appreciate!

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  X RAY said:
Hi,finally I set up WoE with the Oct 08 patch,better late than never!

So I really don't know wich sky mod put into my flight folder!

The stock having the great altitude sky issue,tryng install widesky I lost this capability to "climb into dark blue sky"

So I'm using now the ODS flight folder parameters.

Wich is the best way to go to have both high quality sky mod without lose the effect mentioned?

In ODS mod the clouds height-in partly cloudy sky-are setted standard or they've tweaked to reach heights proper for a desert area?

I really don't know well operate in these parameters,any help is always appreciate!


Do you want to try something extraordinary? PM me....I have a mod to a mod (wide sky), that you might enjoy.

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