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Generating weapondata.ini from weapondata.dat file. Possible?

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Hi all!


After spending months customising WOE weapons, I've accidentally deleted my weapondata.ini file. Unfortunately, no backup is available.


I've tried to undelete it using several file recovery tools to no avail. However, I still have the weapondata.dat file intact, containing the entire set of customised weapons.


Is there any chance of somehow using this weapondata.dat to get the weapondata.ini file back. I know the .dat file creation process is usually one-way only, but might there be any way to make it work the other way around?


Thanks a lot in advance!

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Not Really.......Well, You can open the .DAT File in Notepad. But it might take longer to compile all the Entries back, then it would to re-make a new WeponsData.ini....You can open it to look at any "Special" Entries that You might have made though.......



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