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HI GRAMPS! (Your mailbox is full...)

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This is what I was sending:


Hi Richard,


I'm in the middle of putting together a Rhodesian skin for the Cessna you did, and was wondering if you'd agree to my releasing it as a full stand-alone rather than as a skin; the data.ini, loadouts.ini, screens and weapons have all been modified one way or another, which make it more than a simple skin pack. You may have seen my other Rhodesian stuff - a couple of Hunters and a Gina - to give you some idea of what I do. Obviously, I'd keep your original read-me in the package, and give all due credit. Please let me know if that would be OK!


Thanks, Nigel Dickinson

Edited by ndicki

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Gramps hasn't been around here for a long while. You might be able to get in touch with him via the A-Team site/forum.

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