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I Have Jumped The Fence!

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Yep I have jumped the fence and built me a peeee 4. Being a long time AMD fan I decided it was time to bail. Stay tuned for some very interesting benchies compared to my AMD rig.



New Peeee 4


Intel 2.8C 800 mhz fsb cpu

Asus P4C800E - Deluxe mobo

Kingston Hyper X pc3500 ram 512 mb

ATI Radeon 9700 Pro - Omega Cats. 3.9


Edited by Preventer

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So was my ASUS advice spot on????



Brew and I will never buy another ABIT.




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Abit is good.. I have NEVER had problems with them. You know me though, I never have problems ;)

Edited by Preventer

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Hi Beer,


Well, I've just bought my 2nd NF7-S V2.0! :lol:

Hopefully this 1 will be as good as the other is.

1st time that I will be running 2 of the same board at once.

Edited by BUFF

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hehe well it must be my ABIT luck then...

I sent my machine to Preventer (he is the ships SubSea Engineer :)) and it worked great for him, he OC'ed it, then he sent it back to me, well my gaming envirionment is as you know is a loft in a garage, the temps from "greenhouse effect" easily get 80° F- 100°F, when in the loft I run a window unit A/C but the temps only come down to 85-90. I was experiencing lock ups and unannounced reboots. Naturally the only difference since it the same machine and software is the room temps...


So I run ASUS now and they seem to tolerate these room temps fine (currently have in the garage a A7N8X Pro, A7V8X, and a A7V8X-X). I swapped preventer my ABIT NF-7 rev 1.2 board for a Linksys 4 Port router :), he is happy (and its running fine for him) and so am I.


LOL of course this time of year I bet that ABIT would be purring away in my 20 °F garage.


Say Buff have ya thought about joining the Biohaz folding team :).




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Now its time for some 3DMARK :)


no clockin... card and cpu at stock using Cat. 3.10's


Edited by Preventer

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Hey Beer,


Just to let you know that NF7-S V2.0 no.2 came up even easier than no.1 (familiarity, I guess) :D


Next step is to strip down no.1, slap in the XP2500+ & overclock that sucker!

Hoping for some good results. B)


This is no.1 XP1700+@200x11, 9700 non-Pro at 325/310 Omega 3.10's


Edited by BUFF

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Did a little clocking on this one


2.8c stock = 14 * 200

this run = 14 * 219


ATI Radeon 9700 pro cat 3.10's



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About 2 months ago I finally got a new PC built, w/3.0GHz P4, ASUS P4P800, 512MB, & GeForce 5200 128MB. I overclocked it 20% in BIOS the other day, ran it at 3.6GHz and 100% CPU usage with Folding@Home for almost a full day and the highest temp showing in my log file was 57C. Average for the 8-hour monitoring period was 53C. To really give it a workout I had F@H running 100%, plus was doing a drive-to-drive burn and playing mah-jongg at the same time. There was a slight stutter with the mah-jongg cursor, but other than that there are absolutely no problems at all. I had a friend with a cable modem DL 3DMark for me but the CD she put it on was bad so I'll have to get another one. and give it a shot. Sure beats the hell out of the 7+ year old P133 I was using up till then! (And still have as my Falcon 3.0, Tornado, Su27, Longbow, and X-Wing machine LOL)

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