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Ordway's Mig Cockpit for SPF2

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Hi there,

checking for a cockpit for new suhsjake's Mig-15bis/UTI a found a fix for ALL the Mig-15/17/19 by Ordway.


Try this:


Open MiG-15bis/17F/19S_COCKPIT.ini




CounterNodeFormat=distance_dig%Remd <--------- change this to: distance_dig%d




I think now we can enjoy better SPF2. :cool:




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Actually, this should read:




as Russian/Soviet Union uses the metric system.


also, you can metricize the insturments (which I did a looooong time ago, and perhaps even posted in the release threads...)


in the aircraft data ini, in the ]AircraftData[ section, add this line (if it ain't already got it):




in the cockpit ini, anything that says FEET change to METERS; the VVI instead of FPS gets changed to MPS


you on your own for fuel gauges -- never have figure that out right (lbs to kg; neve worked right, has to be based on total fuel in the aircraft's on board tanks)



kevin stein

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