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Years ago, [the 70's, probably] there was a poster in all the Poster Shops [of which there were many at the time] made from a WWI photograph. It shows an iconic battlefield that had once been a forest but now is all shell holes and stumps. There's one tree. It had proably been 100 feet tall, but now is about 30. Has about six major branches. No leaves. Wedged into this is a biplane [memory is dim, but I'd say a B.E.2, or something close] with the nose scrunched up, forming a 'V' with the fuselage and the wings neatly folded back. The caption [in large bold letters] says: "Aviation is not inherently dangerous, but even more than the sea, it is unforgiving of any carelessness or neglect."


Anybody know where I can lay my hands on a copy? I've searched on-line poster sources repeatedly with no luck.

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I think ive got the picture for you, just not the poster version.



Got it in one! The exact photo. I would have sworn that it was a devastated battlefield. In fact, I'm pretty sure that there were no people in the poster. Which makes me wonder if the photo was Photoshopped...well, maybe not. This was pre-Photoshop days. Anyways, thanks a lot. Now I'll build my own poster.


EDIT: Here's a re-constructed poster. The original was photo only [bleed on all four sides] with the text over. I could not duplicate the background tone, so I just arranged everything on black.

Edited by Hauksbee

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