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Flight roster and in game A/C labels mismatch...

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I noticed that during the flight set up/roster screen (when I write down the pilot names in order to ID my claim witness...), I have a named flight lead (say Jack Johnson) and a named wingman (Roy Reardon), BUT when in game/flying the Flight lead AC is labeled Roy..., and my wingman is labeled Jack... They're switched.


This is the case for the few campaigns I've flown as British RNAS in 1916, but not sure if it is the case for all sqdrns/times.


ALSO, I like that I can ID the members of my flight now via the in game AC labels, thank you for that patch, but now the labels are really really long by containing the aircraft name, pilot full name, flight lead, etc. Can you please perhaps just use FL1, FL2, and W1, W2 in the AC labels? We are supposed to be writing down the names of our wingmates afterall, so we should know who the first and second flight lead are, and the wingmen 1 and 2 etc.


Just a thoughtful suggestion, and would like to hear opinions...

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I contacted OBD support about this some months ago and here's the reply I got:


Hi Gandi,


The list in the Manager is not in order of rank it's just a list. I think in the order of the list in the Duty Room.

For example in my campaign in the Flight Duty Roster, it shows my wingman as at the bottom, but he is in fact the highest rank so he leads in the flight.


Paul von Schniedewind

Paul Hertz

Max-Wilhelm Kruger

Maximum Polo (Player)

Kurt Meyer -- (Wingman)


Maybe it should be listed in order of rank but currently it is not.

So mine in Duty Room:


Leutnant Franz Ray

Oberleutnant Konrad Hoyer

Feldwebel Paul von Schniedewind **


Leutnant Kurt Meyer (WINGMAN) ** he is highest rank in my flight.


Check the Duty Room and you can check.




OBD Support


So unless they've changed things then it's perfectly possible for your wingman to be the flight lead, in other words there is no implied subordination in the term 'wingman'

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