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Hansa-Phonix KD1 "Star-Strutter" - Released

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Available here at CA now. Linky


This aircraft represents the late version Star-Strutters made under licence by Phonix. They had better pilot seating, a larger rudder/tail assembly and more powerful engine than the original Hansa-Brandenberg model (which will my next release.)


This aircraft as a very narrow upper-cockpit area which is far too small for the stock pilot figure. I've knocked together a pilot figure that fits (included). When I release the early version of the "Star-Strutter" I hope to have a far better pilot provided by Geezer. At that time I'll release a new .ini file and post instructions on getting it working with this aircraft.


Have fun!

Edited by Laton

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Hi mate...


Just wanted to say well done on an excellent Job with the Phonix Star Strutter..Just flew 3 missions with it and it handles really well, this one was on my personal 'Hit list' from way back and its inclusion in the game not only adds an unusual and unique aircraft but opens up the very real possibility of and Italian Austrian Front and Scenario if the Terrain can be created..Thanks for your hard work and I, for one, am still finding First Eagles a job to play thanks to this community...


Keep up the good work and all the best...


Rab (Sockboy)




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Absolutely superb, Laton! :clapping:


Your best yet I'd say, and a great addition to the game. Thanks, Man! :ok:




If it's any help, and for those who might be wondering; here's a list of historically suitable A/C to fly against the Hansa Brandenberg D.I:


Sopwith Camel (28, 45 & 66 Sqn's)


RE8 (34 & 42 Sqn's)


Bristol F2b (34 & 42 Sqn's)


SPAD V.II (Italian or Russian markings only, although I don't think there are any Russian SPAD V.II skins available)


SPAD X.III (Italian markings only)


Hanriot HD1 (Italian markings only)


Nieuport 17 (Italian or Russian markings only)


Savoia Pomilio SP3



All we need now is a suitably mountainous terrain to go with it...


Thanks again.



Edited by Southside Bucky

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Incidentally, those clouds look nice. They're not stock are they?


Also, I just noticed I got a bit 'full stop'/'period' happy in my last post...SPAD V.II and X.III should obviously read: SPAD VII and SPAD XIII. D'oh! :blink:

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Thanks for that list of possible opponents bucky. Now I know what skins will work with the Star Strutter.


The Vogesen terrain should be close enough for now I think. Has big "hills"


Laton, this one is awsome. And it works! :clapping:


I know of a bunch of skins already for this one. :ok:

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You're welcome. :yes:


TBH, I'm not sure the Camel, RE8 or Bristol Fighter ever met the Hansa-Brandenburg D.I in combat. The British never arrived in Northern Italy till November '17, and the Austro-Hungarians were using better planes like the Aviatik, Oef Albatros and Phonix fighters by then.


If they did meet though, it would've been this late (Phonix built) version that they came up against.


Actually, Laton's release of this plane has rekindled my interest in the Italian, Austro-Hungarian theatre. I dug out my old copy of Air Aces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by the late Dr Martin O'Connor for the first time in years this afternoon. What a magnificent book it is. Out of print and expensive though:



This is still available though:


HEAVILY based on O'Connor's book, it's well worth getting.

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Thanks guys.


Bucky, I'm 99% sure that those clouds are the stock game ones.


The early version is pretty much done, so look for it in the next few days:




This one is much more of a dog to fly, but still OK - I'll leave it up to the FM guru's to put out a polished version. The view out the front is a little lower as well.

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Hey Laton I was wondering if you knew what to do about the white marks that appear around the starboard side of the cockpit when decals are added? Only the starboard side, strange.


Here are my Flik 16 KD1 number decals. I'll post them as soon as we figure out abouth those marks. If we can.



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Available here at CA now. Linky


This aircraft represents the late version Star-Strutters made under licence by Phonix. They had better pilot seating, a larger rudder/tail assembly and more powerful engine than the original Hansa-Brandenberg model (which will my next release.)


This aircraft as a very narrow upper-cockpit area which is far too small for the stock pilot figure. I've knocked together a pilot figure that fits (included). When I release the early version of the "Star-Strutter" I hope to have a far better pilot provided by Geezer. At that time I'll release a new .ini file and post instructions on getting it working with this aircraft.


Have fun!


How did you get those upper clouds to look so bright and realistic??

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