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3rd Party Addon Problems

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Ok, I finally found a decent 3rd Party panel for the DC-9, and installed it per instructions. Unfortunately, the panel is designed for FS2002, but that's ok for now. The aircraft I wanted it for is the Navy C-9.


After installing the panel, I started FS2002, and selected the C-9. Almost immediately, I got a msg, saying that 3rd Party software was detected, and that I could continue using FS2K2, but that the particular aircraft I had selected would not work. GRRRRRR!!!


I know there is a way to "alias" the panel to some other aircraft in FS2K2, or something like that, but I haven't a clue how to do it. I know I use Notepad to open a file to make the mod, but I don't understand exactly what to do.


Anyone out there have the patience to talk me through this?




Navy Chief

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