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I was just on the point of trying when i figured i should ask first.


What i need to know before i go messing around with things...Is it possible to have multiple WO* installs on a single computer? i've heard that it is but i'd like to be sure first. And exactly how would one go about doing it?


I have my ideas but am looking for other views.

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Very simple.


Install your WOx.


Patch to latest version.


Zip entire install folder somewhere safe.


Unzip to your desired location under whatever folder name you care to choose.


Make shortcut to the WOx .exe in your unzipped install folder. Drop the shortcut on your desktop.


Mod the unzipped install in as many crazy ways you can find.


Repeat unzip process for as many multiple installs as you need/want/can fit on every hard drive you can jam into your box :blink:


Or, just copy and paste your entire install folder somewhere else, and make a new shortcut.


It gets addictive very quick. . .

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Thanks for the assist Baltika! :good:


Between your response and searching a bit online i managed to get things right. For the longest i wondered what it would be like to fly as the North Vietnamese and so the "Aces Of North Vietnam" campaign is my first step. With my usual settings it seems quite difficult. So far the bane of my MIG-17A unit is the Crusader. Just can't avoid heavy losses to that plane!. Have to repect those Navy pukes. :biggrin:

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