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RAF/Soviet SF2 Burning Sands Campaigns

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One of my friends just got Strike Fighters 2 and wanted to be able to fly Royal Air Force and Soviet in the campaign and fixed it for it.


This uploaded file contains the following Squadrons:


RAF 1st Squadron:

Using Hunter F6 until 1966 when they transfer to F4s.


Peoples Volunteer Squadron:

Mercenary Squadron. Package includes upgrades of Soviet Aircraft made flyable so Merce...I mean People Volunteers Squadron does not

have to fly western Junk all the time. Recommended extra downloads are the SU-9A and SU-9B who is a great asset. They start out flying MiG-17F and should keep a number of 17s or 19s in their squadrons regardless what their main squadron is flying. A Mix of 17s and 21s is very lethal.


196th IAP:

Flying MiG-19. Upgrading to MiG-21s


55th IAP:

Flying MiG-17. Upgrading to MiG-21s


1st Special Ops Squadron:

Starting with Hunter F6 instead of F-100D but starts with more money to compensate.


Uploaded here in case anybody else would want a similar package.


Everything in this package belongs to Thirdwire. I just played with it, cause Thirdwire got the coolest toys.

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