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No Guns In Stock SF2 F-4E models

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I've only noticed this now, but since I've installed SF2V I don't have any guns in any of the F-4E versions (original F-4E, 72 and 75 versions). I tried fixing this by going to the new ObjectData003 folder, copying the new ini files and putting them in place of the old ones in (for example) Saved Games/ThirdWire/SF2/Objects/Aircraft/F-4E. No joy. :dntknw:


I've also checked the F-4E in SF2V and the gun works fine there.

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Merged install, SF2 executable, desert, F-4E (72). Gun works here :ok:

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Here's the two Entries. First from WOV:














Now, SF2Vietnam:














Now You'll notice that they are the same Entries. But there's one Difference between them. The WOV one is in ANSI Encoding. The SF2Vietnam one is in Unicode. That's the difference between the Two.


The SF2Vietnam F-4E is the same as the older ones. The difference being the the Texture Rez has been increased from 512x512 to 1024x1024 and some Details added to the Textures also. Yes, There's an Effect added also by having the Afterburner Effect added inside the Burner Cans. But it's the same Model. Older Decals from eariler Skins and Mods will work with it with alittle Editting.


If You want to port over an "Older Model" from WOV, May I suggest changing the Encoding of "All" .INI's in that Aircraft's Folder. You'll keep the Airplane, But won't have that Afterburner Effect and the Textures will be of a less Resolution.



Even If You'd made changes to the "Old" Gun Editor, It wouldn't effect SF2Vietnam. SF2Vietnam reads the WeaponsData.ini and GunData.ini in Unicode. Yes, The Engine will read Backwards for ANSI for Older Aircraft and 3d Party Made Models.


But it reads the Weapons Information in Unicode.


If it's Your SF2 Install.......See If You've made any Changes to the GunData.ini, As We discussed in the earlier Post. If You happened to have been sucessful in Merging them, And have "Old" Gun Effects and Sounds not ported over. Then this might be Your Problem. By installing the Proper Effects with proper Edits in the BulletObject.INI and having the Effects in the Effects Folder, (Same for Sounds) Might solve some of Your Problems.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Double checked all my SF2 F-4E models and I can confirm that NONE of them work.

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maybe you have a old ( from the classic games ) gundata ini in the Objects folders

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Have You Flown enough Missions to be supplied with Ammo? If You look on the LoadoutScreen and in the section where it says "Ammo", If its "Greyed Out" with a (---) for Quanity. Even though the Ammo is set at 100%,The game has not supplied You Ammo yet. I get Ammo. But I've flown over 20+ in the F-4E since X-Mas. For SF2, I think I read that's It's a known Bug that TK will address. I think it's a conflict with the Mercernary Part of the Game, And the Game itself. It has been corrected in SF2Vietnam. And I would think any Correction will be forthcomming for SF2 soon.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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There's a Line Missing Between the Old GunData.ini and The Stock one.....Give Me alittle to figure it out. And I'll post the Fix here....

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The Missing Line......



AmmoStoreWt=0.308050 <<<<<<<<



The difference between the "Old" GunData.ini and the "New" One as far as Entries go......

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Disregard this thread, lads. False alarm on my part. I must have caused it when I was trying to transfer my SFG GunData.ini to SF2.


All's well now :blush:

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It's not so much a Disregard Ultramax, You've found something I didn't know and just found out. Which in turn, will need a little change to Our GunData.INI Editting until TK gets the Gun Editor out.


Which is this......


The same procedure still applies as to merging and Editting SF2/V GunData.INI's, But before One hits "Save", One will have to add the Line above by Hand to all Guns, Then open the Gun Editor (Not changing any more Entries), Then hit "Save" so the new Information will be saved to the .Dat File......I just tried it. And it works.....

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Change That Gentlemen, It won't work....The "Old" Editor kicks out that Entry every Time. Well, It looks like we'll have to wait for the new Gun Editor.....

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