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Victory locations in Google Earth

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A few days ago I started to keep track of my location when I got a kill so I could put it in my claim. I would pause then press M for the map. If I was close to something such as an aerodrome, town or front lines I would make a note of it. If I was in the middle of nowhere I would write down the longitude and latitude coordinates so I could look it up on Google Earth later. As I was doing this I wanted to see where all my kills, or victories, were located. I got the idea to start plotting the locations and make annotations in Google Earth. This is what I have so far.



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Great Idea!...What is it about this Sim, that brings out the Innovator in us all???

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Along with my own project of mapping all WW1 aerodromes in Google Earth and overlaying original 1918 trench maps on the modern landscape, which Olham and Shredward are helping with there are several other Google Earth extensions to do with WW1 available here takes a bit of searching to find what you might want but some very interesting stuff... not just about WW1 either.


My own project is progressing slowly - a certain sim gets in the way :yes: but here's what I have so far:





The grid overlay with numbers is sector references for WW1 trench maps at McMasters University library.

Edited by Dej

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that's very interesting.

This project of yours looks like it might lead to a better, Goggle Earth based in game map,.......or do I presume too much?

Edited by IV/JG1_Kaiser

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Hey Dej,Great map. It’s incredible the possibilities out there. Are you going to “publish” your work when you’re done?

I have looked at the McMasters University maps and photos. I really wanted to see aerial photos of aerodromes but understandably the recon pics were mostly of the front line areas. Even though I didn’t find what I was looking for I found the other photos fascinating to look at. This led me to read about the Battle of Passchendaele.

What struck me the most was the devastation of Passchendaele.

Here is the wikipedia link for anyone interested.

Down the page a bit on the right hand side you can see the aerial photo.




I wanted to put in the front lines into my project but didn’t know how. You have given me something to look into.




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Hey Dej,Great map. It’s incredible the possibilities out there. Are you going to “publish” your work when you’re done?


It'll definitely be released. Probably in two parts one, with the aerodromes 'pinned' and another with the trench map overlays and such aeriel photos as are of interest and can be placed correctly (the angle of the shot governs whether one can firt it over GE or not)


The interesting thing about the trench map overlays is that the show aerodromes as well and have already indicated that conventional wisdom about some aerodrome locations may not be accurate.


As I say though, that bit in particular is progressing slowly.

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Dej- Nice work!..Is this possibly importable to OFF when it's completed. Or to Google Earth?



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Outstanding work chaps, The two idea's are great. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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Dej- Nice work!..Is this possibly importable to OFF when it's completed. Or to Google Earth?




It'll certainly be importable to GE as a .kmz file that you File --> Load in or just double click on for GE to load it.


I believe Shredward (whom I regard as the 'aerodrome-meister') would like to use the project to improve the accuracy of OFF in the sense of 'filling in the blanks' if we find some of the aerodromes whose name is know but not their location.


However, there remains the unfortunate limitation of the CFS3 map being one large bitmap. If a way can be found of incorporating a .sid format file then we'd have a properly scaleable map in OFF. I'm afraid don't know what the devs are looking at or have already explored and dismissed.


If anything were to come of it I suspect it'd be a Phase 4 feature in any case.

Edited by Dej

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It'll certainly be importable to GE as a .kmz file that you File --> Load in or just double click on for GE to load it.


Well, that'll be something to look forward to! :good:

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It would be great to merge this information into Rabu's paper map project. I think Shredward is collaberating on that project as well, Dej.



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