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Alternating nationality in woi

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Hi all


There is a problem of alternating nationality within woi. Syrian aircrafts are operating from Egyptian airports and vice versa. Egyptian airplanes can take of from Syrian or Jordanian airport.


Is it a bug within woi?

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Are you playing in single mission mode?


I expect any plane from Syria/Jordan/libya/lebanon/algeria/egypt/Iraq can use any of the others red side airbases - and in single mission mode you will be sent to either country randomly - random single missions will never be historically correct - its just a practise mode - also the game is only designed to be flown as an Israeli pilot so wont have been tested fully flying for other sides.


If you play a campaign you will see that everything will be more historically correct - even though you may see Libyan Mirages at Egyptian bases that did happen in 1973 as well as Soviet squadrons and I think even Iraqi squadrons flying from Syria.

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Are you playing in single mission mode?


I expect any plane from Syria/Jordan/libya/lebanon/algeria/egypt/Iraq can use any of the others red side airbases - and in single mission mode you will be sent to either country randomly - random single missions will never be historically correct - its just a practise mode - also the game is only designed to be flown as an Israeli pilot so wont have been tested fully flying for other sides.


If you play a campaign you will see that everything will be more historically correct - even though you may see Libyan Mirages at Egyptian bases that did happen in 1973 as well as Soviet squadrons and I think even Iraqi squadrons flying from Syria.



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