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Cockpit performance question

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Hello. Is there a way to gain better cockpit performance without having to select lower qualities through the options menu? It may be a silly question, but can you resize the cockpit similar to the way you can resize skins to get better performance? Or would doing that just booger stuff up?


(Please keep in mind here I'm not on a very good computer)


I don't know why, but for some reason my F-100D pit has excellent fps and smoothness compared to even other stock aircraft. And most understandably, many addon aircraft have pits that are too intensive for the pc that I'm on. I've just always found it interesting that the Super Sabre has always had a fps friendly pit. Even with the high-rez pit upgrade it still performs well. But is there a way to obtain some better cockpit performance? Lowering the quality through the menu options starts to degrade the readability of the gauges that's why I'm looking for other ways.



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Dont know if this is what you're looking for but, if you go into the cockpit folder you will most likely find files named main panels, side panels (depends) and cockpit textures and or panel parts. Now with the newer aircrafts take for ex the Skorpion they tend to be of 2048x2048 resolution, my rig is sub par so resizing them to 1024x1024 helps. Also .bmps (still the Skorpion) like MFD base MFD engine tend to of 512x512, you can resize these to 256x256. It really is a matter of experimenting with these and seeing what suits you best.



EDIT:- Oh yeah after you're done with resizing you might want to see how it works in different scenarios. For some a/c I've had to resize MFD to 256x256 because when I'd get mixed up in a large furball things slowed down from the pit view and you'd be suprised how much difference the little things make. Luck !

Edited by Atreides

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Thanks for the reply. I was wondering if you could resize those cockpit pieces like you do skins and from what you say it sounds like you can. I was just worried that if I tried that I would have a cockpit full of miniature gauges. I'll take a look into it thank you.

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If I'm following your initial question correctly, you want to know if going to a lower setting on the cockpit detail slider in the graphics tab, will increase your FPS, versus resizing each of the cockpit bmps directly?


I actually was thinking of this last night as I'm running these sims on my laptop which is not a gaming rig.


The other question would be kind of be the opposite. If you reduced the size of each cockpit bmp, could theoretically run the slider on the highest setting with good FPS?


I'll do some tinkering tonight and reply with my findings.



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The other way is to turn off cockpit reflections too.

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That's not quite what I meant Storm however what you said does interest me. What I meant was could I physically resize the gauges bmps manually as opposed to lowering the cockpit details in the main menu. I tried doing this with the F-102 but the gauge quality was just too poor and blurry. I think it might have even been worse than just selecting a lower quality cockpit through the main settings.


I was wondering, can whatever files make up the aircraft's gun sights cause fps slow downs? I ask because when I did try resizing the F-102 gauges, when I looked down at the gauges it was smoother but as soon as I looked straight ahead towards the gun sight the fps seemed to drop some. Then of course when I look away outside the pit things smoothed up.

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The gun sight is a TGA file. It can be resized the same way a bitmap can.



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Thanks FastCargo. I'll try resizing it.

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