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Herr Prop-Wasche

Intermediate DM for QC aircraft 1.1

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A new version of my Intermediate DM has been uploaded to combatace.com The IntDMreadme.txt explains the minor change made to this version.

Added a change to the hit point values for rudder and elevator cables. The OBD version of 18 hit points was increased to 25. Also revised second paragraph of version 1.0 to display actual number values of the changes made to the aileron cables, ailerons, and wings.

I hope you enjoy the new version. Comments are welcome and appreciated!


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James S!


I'm sure that many who find Normal DM too easy, yet hardcore too hard will be happy with your option. You are to be congratulated for making an option which is easy to use.


As you know, from the PMs passing between us, I have a slightly different take on the DM on OFF.


I have found that I want to see more effects of the damage than just damaging the planes so that they fall out of the sky- intact. Hence, my tutorial elsewhere in this forum, for those who wish to see more "fireworks"!!-lol

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I'm currently about to test the theory you proposed in your PM's. If you are correct, I will amend my DM (with your permission) to reflect your findings and give you equal billing in any subsequent uploads of the mod. Just when I thought my work was about finished! :wink:

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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