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Mr. Lucky

Found another one.

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I was looking at addons and mods for Lock On when I saw a topic about what other sims you fly. Once again, someone posted a link to Rise of Flight video and everyone responded as though they'd never heard there were any WWI sims let alone another besides ROF. So, I popped in a little blurb. We'll see how it goes. If you want to look, it's here:



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To Whoever is in charge of getting reviews done, the admin at Lockonfiles.com appears to be Thomas D Weis. He's does reviews on the home page and has one for ROF. I couldn't easily find a means to contact him to suggest he look at OFF. Maybe one of you might have better luck or info.

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They've got an OFF forum on that site

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I was looking at addons and mods for Lock On when I saw a topic about what other sims you fly. Once again, someone posted a link to Rise of Flight video and everyone responded as though they'd never heard there were any WWI sims let alone another besides ROF. So, I popped in a little blurb. We'll see how it goes. If you want to look, it's here:




Just keep posting there, and let them come to this forum and see for themselves. I don't know why people are so tuned into something that is not available, yet OFF is there, ready to go and now a finished product.


I'll never understand how or the way people think.



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Just keep posting there, and let them come to this forum and see for themselves. I don't know why people are so tuned into something that is not available, yet OFF is there, ready to go and now a finished product.


I'll never understand how or the way people think.





An old Yorkshire saying... "There's nowt as queer as folk"

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They've got an OFF forum on that site



If you're talking about the little menu on the left of the main page, it's a listing of the latest post, not forums, despite what the title says.

I saw it after I posted and thought I shot myslef in the foot til I clicked on it and it took me to my post. Unless I missed something and am wrong. I'd hate to look like a COMPLETE idiot.

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People will look, but they will only SEE a $59 Patch of CFS3. We just can't escape that way of thinking



But the price has been $39.99 for quite some time. A bargain for sure

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If CFS3 were not mentioned ( they're bound to find out ) you couldn't burn'em fast enough

Why not contact the current distributor of CFS3 and cut him a deal on a bulk quantity, and simply issue OFF with both? I doubt if he has CFS3 flying off his shelves so fast that he couldn't negotiate. I bought mine for $9.97, if I recall rightly, from Amazon.com. Gotta' be some wiggle-room in there.

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Yes it is weird, a lot of simmers are missing out big time because of this CFS3 stigma. I know I was one of them till the price of BHaH dropped to $39.99. I then said what the heck I already have my copy of CFS3 that has not been on my HD for years....long story short it was the best $39.99 I have spent on a sim in quite awhile. Not trying to start anything but was over at SimHq earlier and seen a post linking to a recent video from one of the beta testers. I watched the video and while the view from inside the cockpit looked okay the terrain didn't look so hot (inside or outside view), no where near BHaH's quality in looks and items populating the landscape, it looked barren almost. If any of you guys get a chance check it out and see if you agree with me...or not

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Yes it is weird, a lot of simmers are missing out big time because of this CFS3 stigma. I know I was one of them till the price of BHaH dropped to $39.99. I then said what the heck I already have my copy of CFS3 that has not been on my HD for years....long story short it was the best $39.99 I have spent on a sim in quite awhile. Not trying to start anything but was over at SimHq earlier and seen a post linking to a recent video from one of the beta testers. I watched the video and while the view from inside the cockpit looked okay the terrain didn't look so hot (inside or outside view), no where near BHaH's quality in looks and items populating the landscape, it looked barren almost. If any of you guys get a chance check it out and see if you agree with me...or not


The only quirk with the rof vids I've seen to date is they kinda look cartoonish to me. That's the only way I can explain it .... but still very nice. The sun reflection and shadow effect is excellent. What is disappointing in the beta testers review is there's nothing about SP campaign except for a daft excuse as to why not .... 'oh my system crashed". Very odd. Still, it's the unsaid words that talk louder :wink:


And whilst on the subject, being forced online to play SP shows where the rof devs real allegiance is. Until they change that tactic and provide evidence of at least some kind of a decent dynamic SP campaign (not just a series of missions as I suspect) they'll lose sales from the SP players. But I don't expect their attitude to change. It's pretty evident it was always designed for the online ace dudes. Too bad.

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Have to agree 100% with Catch...having to be online to play single player is 100% wrong, there really is no reply as to what or if there is a Single player campaign.


It looks nice with the shadowing and sun reflections, but as for their marketing strategy well it blows. Personally I hope it flops, might be negative with such a limited WW1 sims but, until you don't have to be online to play single player they can shove ROF where the sun doesn't shine. My 2 cents!!

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That would be Bill Gates, not the most understanding fellow. And he has a great many lawyers at his disposal, forget that option right off.

Re-reading my CFS3 Disc, I see again that the name Microsoft does not appear until you get to the most miniscule type which affirms that they ultimately own it. But it's marketed under the XPLOSIV label, which is Empire Interactive Europe. Looks to me like Gates has sold off distribution rights. I even checked the Microsoft site. There it was: same disc. Now, Empire wants to sell discs...make them an offer on "X" numbers of copies.

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