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SF2-V Fuzzy acft textures

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I spent some time with SF2-Vietnam today, and am noticing the aircraft textures very blurry - much like the problem I had way back when with WOV before I figured out the anistrophic filtering option in my NVIDEA 8600GT control panel.


I tried everything I can think of, with no effect at all. Cockpit graphics are fine, terrain is fine, but acft textures (set to high of course) are blurred badly. Running XP not Vista also. Any tips would be appreciated, otherwise I'm going back to pre and post-October Patch WOV. Tried WOV also and the textures are much better...



Mike D.

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Well, it's a good thing that I'm a cool, swarthy, armchair fighter pilot who doesn't get frazzled...otherwise I'd feel like a horses rear end.....


Thank you, I could have sworn my only options were low, medium, or high. Color me stupid with a capital "S"... :blush:



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