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First Eagles Dark tracer smoke

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First Eagles Dark tracer smoke

New Tracer with Dark Smoke for First Eagles.


Mod based on the illuminated tracer effect by Gbreuder & Fubar512 and inspired by Jan Tuma's excellent mod (my tweak is posted with Jan's permission)


To install:

1. Backup any existing TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga files in your Effects folder (I recommend changing the .ini extension to something else - I use .old - this ensures that the new effect will be used.)


2. Extract the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file into your Effects folder.


3. Flay, waste lots of virtual ammo



Delete TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file and restore your originals


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