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Bf109F-2, 9./JG2, France 1941

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Nice skin Nigel!!


a comment though; in the header for the release announcment, you might want to add for which games it can be used in. (like I do on mine)


keep up the work! We need more WW2 guys!!! :wink: (the 14 of us are getting lonely.... :rofl: )



kevin stein

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Hi Kevin - good idea about which game - but as it's a skin only, and I've given full instructions about decal installation for SFG/WOX and SF2, it should go for everything. For my full stand-alones, I do generally remember to say.


14? This is looking serious. Last time I looked, it was 20! :victory:


One or two more coming soon... Then I'll move on to the Spitfires or something.

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Hey, ndicki. Nice work. Any chance on stukas as well for future?

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I have a home-grown template for the Stuka, if it needed by anyone.....



kevin stein

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