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mp game mon 5-11 730ish edt

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will plan to have a game up around 730edt


have dogfight up


need someone else to host if we want to do missions

Edited by sitting_duck

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will plan to have a game up around 730edt


will post ip when game is up


I'll probably be able to join after work by around 8edt - hope to make it in and have fun!



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Probably will do some of stumps missions.


link to the hanriot airplane is here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8730


It will give you 2 files, one is a uries folder with an ita folder, just copy the ita folder to your obd\uries folder. All i belive this does is give you the correct flags when you are selecting the aircraft from a list


Second folder is the HanriotItaly folder. I suggerst you rename it AAHanriotItaly, and move it to your obc\aircraft folder. The AA prefix makes all your addon aircraft stay at the top pf the list in yyour aircraft folder, and its then easiery to find them and remove them if you have to ( to avoid a mismatch)

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I downloaded the italy files and required aircraft here at work. I will stick them in my game later.

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