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Guest a10boar

Landmarks Buildings

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Guest a10boar

Been enjoying this series for a while and it's been an enjoyable experience.But,I am feeling alittle bored with the same old buildings and would think it will change my awareness (before getting into behind enemy lines.) if had some historical landmarks.Just like to know where I am at when flying over big cities (because inflight maps are not labeled).Don't mind following the roads and rivers but,it is not efficent on fuel when suppose to be on a fighter sweep at higher altitudes.Also,I think this would help on approach to target and exit for other type missions.


Reason for all this is that when I was younger,traveled all over USA,Mexico and Canada.Of course used maps but,you take the same maps and take the roads off them?The only way to find the way home would be for to look for historical landmarks and rivers.So,this is not "why hasn't this been done or been a topic",it is "where are they?".


When done a search,this is all that is found: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;hl=landmarks


I know I am a pain in the butt just bare with me.Hate posting topics because you just do not know who you are going to irritate or inspire others.Clearly this not my intentions to irritate,it is just to find away to enhance our experience of the Third Wire series.

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I'm sorry, but could you be a little LESS vauge in the question????


Meaning: what exactly ARE you asking???


NONE of the maps are 100% accurate as to coastlines, roads, rivers ... terrain builder are limited by what the tiles themselves have on them (now, that dosen't mean roads and coastlines and rivers don't run approximately to real life, but certain liberties have to be taken due to scaling issues and the fact there are only 4 sides to a tile, not 6)


As to landmarks, the GermanyCE map is full of 'real world ' buildings, as is one of the WW2 maps (iirc, the Effiel Tower is in Paris)

Said buildings MUST be created; built in MAX, exproted and textured, then hand placed on the map. Examples would be the aformentioned stuff in WoE and the WW2 (in think it's BoB map -that also has some London landmarks). Same thing we've run into for the Indo-Pak mod -- CA_Stary created the Fisal mosque and the Taj Mahal.


The 'generic' city building -all them little small ones you see in the cities- again, have to be built, imported, and then placed via the Terrain Editor's ability to create TOD files, wherein lie the trees and structures. It can be a pretty massive undertaking, as each and every item has to be placed individually


Now, there are ways around to add things ... one just need to figure out the naming conventions for the various tile/TOD types, find out where they sit, and add them to which ever terrain you want. Polaks city TODs from his enhanced desert can easily be used on the GermanyCE, and give some rather nice skyscrapert, as also CA-Stary's enhanced desert (several show up on the SoCal map)


So, again, what exactly is the question?



kevin stein

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Guest a10boar

Where can I find the historical buildings and place landmark buildings in SFP1/WOV/WOE in download section?I looked in groundobjects but there isn't any.Flown in your terrians Wrench and you been able to place a few.I just want to be able to do the same for more update present.

Example being the Effiell Tower in Paris,France or for the SoCal Tower Records building.I am assuming that I have to make them?

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You gots it man!!! :biggrin:


The existing building are not in the d/l section per se...they're in terrain mods themselves. You have to look at the types inis for the listings, but looking at the guts of the terrain folders, you can see the various lods, bmps/tgas and inis (if needed -most do)


REALLLLYYY nice building would need to be created in MAX, textured, and then placed on the map in relation to the tiles. In the case of say, Paris, you'd need to parks and streets surrounding the Tower or the Arc de Triumph (sits in a kinda of traffic circle iirc).

Mind you, this is for SEPERATE building, like what you want. There are scads of various and sundry smaller ones scattered all over in the various terrain mods (bunches of small houses, a church, resturant -ok, hot dog stand). Most come that I've use come from Major Lee's original DBS terrain. Others, more ww2 in nature are in Polaks' imported CFS Object Library -many of which are in my ww2 terrains


St Pauls, Albert Hall, British Museaum, sommerset house, and a few others are in Gepard's BoB terrain. If you look at the terrain tiles, there are 'specials' (as I call them) for things like Hyde park. Again, those need to be created, hand placed in the TE and so on...


Placing the building themselves is no harder than any other terrain object .. you just need to know the offset from the 0,0 point of the target area....

and have virtually infinate paitence in trying to get things places juuuust so...



kevin stein

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Guest a10boar

Hey now!That's what I was looking for!So,investing some time and enegry in looking thru other terrains would be a great place to start than.Do not have the means or know how anyways to make buildings but,do have "some" understanding on how to add and place in a terrain.Just never thought about "borrowing" from other terrains.This has been very helpful,thank you sir!Do kinda feel foolish in away for not realizing this on my own.Nonetheless,thank you again!

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