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For groundobjects gurus-or somebody who knows how to-


I was wondering bout using the same system used by the SCUD launchers (TEL plus MISSILE) exported into submarines to simulate the SLBM launch,using the scud LODs and making the same missile for both sides,I really don't know if the game engine support it for ships or subs or if it limit the numbers of SLBM's carried by a single unit,same process if it's realizable cam be used for Harpoons launched by torpedo tubes,or tomahawks.

Just to spice up AS missions.

Do you all think is possible?

If it is, after the main project that I'm working on probably I'll give it a try!

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Been there, done that (like 3-4 years ago), check the gallery for the vids.

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Been there, done that (like 3-4 years ago), check the gallery for the vids.


Been a long search!

But was only a video or somebody upload that mod?

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