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Bomber FMs

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I'll be uploading a set of bomber FMs here on this forum shortly, maybe next day or two.


But just need to state a few things, so thought I'd do that first.


The AI gunners are tricky to do, and to get something working for both 2-seaters and for larger bombers like Gotha, I had to define another set of guns specifically for heavy bombers. The underlying reason that its tricky for both 2-seaters and bigger bombers is as the "relative" effectiveness of guns and fragility of planes between the player and AI isn't quite right in this patch. The AI guns are too effective, the AI planes withstand damage far better. This "relative" change is recent, it wasn't so pronounced in the original Expansion pack. Its a nuisance.


Anyway to cut a long story short, you will need to use new GUNDATA files I'll make available so that: the AI fighter and AI smaller/larger bombers both have a better chance, the player in a larger bomber has a better chance, the player in a fighter has a better chance against the larger bombers - but very hard nevertheless.


Also, to fly and takeoff in the big bombers I'll include:


... a new FORMATION.INI to space the bombers out a bit - it will be applied to all bomber formations, whether large or smaller bombers, but its better generally anyway. Its based on work Charles did with the A-team.


... a new WWI_AIRFIELD1.INI to space planes out on the airfield. I like the one one by M Kessler, and recommend it whether you fly the big bombers or not.


Also included are some other FMs where I have just changed the AI gunners, AI and strength to make them more consistent with the redone FMs: Salmson, DFWC5, AEGIV, Gotha, Staaken.


So, the newer FMs are:


New FMs for me: Handley Page 0/400, Savoia Pomilio SP3, DH4, one of Borts Farmans. The Farman is just very satisfying to shoot down with an early Pfalz or Fokker for some reason! Its also enjoyable going on bombing missions, something I don't do that often. The HP uses a very makeshift cockpit, but ok.


Completely redone FMs: Be2c, Be2d, Re8, Br14, Martinsyde, Bristol F2b.


The FMs will be in directories with loadout, cockpit and ini files where necessary.


They all takeoff nicely, and some earlier ones including Be2s, Re8, DH4 with max bombload are little harder to takeoff and gain altitude, on purpose.


Re stalls on big bombers originally raised by Quack - shaking. The cause isn't the stalls, though I have improved them, its the size of the planes. The game has trouble handling them, and if you pitch very sharply (which is hard, the FMs were designed so you couldn't do this easily), the plane and probably your PC will shake, your screen may go red for a flash. In a strong stall that sharp pitching is what happens. Its flight game limitations, not the FM.


All modesty aside, I'd say these FMs are excellent and with a nice variety of feel. I spent some time on all these bomber FMs, they weren't quick jobs at all.

Edited by peter01

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Hi Peter,


Looking forward to these.


Having dabbled around the edges of FM's I've got an inkling of how much of and art/science they are and how much testing goes into them.


All the work is greatly appreciated.

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As it stands right now in FE, when I see NME bombers as the primary target I usually send my flight home, and try to attack by myself so I don't loose too many of my wingmates.


This sounds terrific, and thank you for the explanation. Looking forward to the improved game balance, and more 'random' formations.

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Terrific stuff, Peter!


Once you've released these Bomber FM's, IMO the game will be at its absolute peak of development since its release nearly three years ago now.


I don't wanna put you to any extra trouble, but is there any chance you could include a Bristol F2b DATA.INI both with and without the overwing Lewis?...I never could get my head 'round how to do that "My dummy station" thing...


Whatever, thanks very much again for your considerable efforts.



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At risk of sounding maudlin... I don't think your contribution to FE can be overestimated.

Edited by deep

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Ok, they are as ready as they'll be :).


Handley Page: On takeoff, when you increase throttle, it will shake. Just keep going and it will be fine ... may look at this again later. Cockpit is very makeshift, simply done to make plane flyable.


Hannover CL2 and CL3 AI and gunners modded - they were far too good as AI, very difficult to shoot down. Still a real challenge however.


F2b and F2ba (single gun version) gunners changed for similar reasons to Hannovers - too good.


Gundata files: Must use these gundata files. If guns for player are too ineffective for you (its about 80% effectiveness of original), set Weapons=Normal in Options to offset, quite nicely, I think.


Aircraftobject.ini: Minor mods, recommend you use this, but not essential. Headshake added, as per TKs in modern games and works well. Also reduced the rudder for Vets and Aces in AI data section. Rudder on my planes is better then TKs, and AI use this effectively, too well. This version is how I tested AI for my FMs.


Formation.ini: Using A-Teams bomber formation. Recommended. Spreads bombers out, better for large bombers, but it will use this for all bomber formations. I prefer it.


WWI_airfield1: If you want to takeoff in big bombers you must use this to space out the planes on takeoff. If not, need not install. Again I prefer this generally anyhow, the lineup by M Kessler is better, more interesting. Place in the terrain folders, eg, in each folder Cambrai, Verdun etc.


Included are new FMs for me: Handley Page 0/400, Savoia Pomilio SP3, DH4, one of Borts Farmans - Farman MF11c. Completely redone FMs: Be2c, Be2d, Re8, Br14, Bristol F2b, Bristol F2ba. Some FMs I have just changed the AI gunners, AI and strength: Hannover CL2, HannoverCL3, Salmson, DFWC5, AEGIV, Gotha, Staaken. All the FMs are in directories with loadout, cockpit and ini files where necessary.


That should cover it I hope.



Edited by peter01

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This will be great... thanks !


Trying to get bombers to work right has always been a hassle. Can't wait to install these and run a few missions. :clapping:

Edited by Firecage

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