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Hey Ras,


You can just look in your game folders to see if you've copied them correctly. In your .../CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields/aircraft folder, you should have both the "GOTHA" folder and the "ZeppelinL30" folder. If so, you're good to go. In your .../weapons folder, you should have two folders: "off_Zep_50" and "off_ZEP_100". In your pylons folder, you should have six files:




I'm not sure either of these aircraft (Gotha or Zep) will show up in QC or Campaigns. I've never tried. But if the folders and files are in those locations in your game folder, then you're ready.


Thanks, Griphos, I checked and they are there. And to Ax, I will be talking to you at 3:00PM eastern.

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gotta redo my thinking on this....


ok,,,it looks like you CAN have the addons available for AI planes,,IF they are flyable planes.....so, you can fly against them,, but you cant fly them in qc,,,,but i do think there is a fix for this,,just dont know what it is....


ras,,,try it like this..


start game from off manager, (this is how you normally start)


from next screen,,go to workshop.....


at the workshop screen, there is a quick combat option at the bottom.....click on it...


next screen is where you select your plane,,,opponets plane ect ect,,,,just leave it as it is,,,and hit "go to field"


next window should be a quick combat medal...click on it...


next window you can selcet your plane,,,opponets plane,,,location (which includes time and weather),,,,,and the addons should show up in the drop downs for the available planes for both you and your opponent....but it appears that you can only use them for opponents,,,try it both ways if you want,,,maybe it will work differently for you....



unless i typed this wrong,,and/or you have your planes in the wrong folders.....it should work

Edited by sitting_duck

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Hey Duck!


Thanks for posting those. You got a great shot of the tight formation of Alpha8, Madmatt and I. Too much fun to fly with live pilots in formation on the way to battle!


I'm going to have to get Fraps! I wonder why it only recorded your voice and not all the sounds.


What a great session today.


Yeah that was great fun! Nice to finally have some Jasta-mates that know how to fly! Once I took over as lead due to your unfortunate *issue*, Alpha8 was about the best wingman I could have prayed for! He was stuck on me like glue and maintained his spacing like a champ!


What's great about MP is that you acually, in as much as possible in a video game, get to experience so many of the things we read about in historical pilot accounts. For example, I always found it odd how planes, in formation, can get separated from one another in good weather and not under enemy action, yet I read that this happens all the time. Well, in our MP session, the same happened to Alpha and myself. One moment we are flying top cover for a large formation of Rolands with our flight mates all around us, and then after a few minutes of trying to maintain proper bearing, scanning the skies for enemy fighters and dodging persistent ground fire we looked around and found that we had gotten far removed from everyone else. So much so that they didn't even register on our TAC displays!


We eventually linked back up after most of the air-to-air fun was over (and I admit, the navigation fault was mine alone as I got my orientation mixed up) but it just goes to show you how much pilots had to multitask to perform their jobs in this type of environment. I think we redeamed ourselves quite nicely though and let the Tommies on the ground have it good around one well defended airbase we found. Well, that is until my over-eager pilot augered into the top of a enemy hangar!


Anyway, it was great fun and I HIGHLY recommend to anyone considering MP, to join up on one of these sessions. Everyone is EXTREMELY polite and informative (and funny!) and their are no ego's at play at all. Everyone is there to have a good time and we all really do!



Edited by Madmatt

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