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General time frame on kill verifications?

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Can someone direct me on the length of time the upper echelon takes to verifies a kill???

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As far as I understood, it depends on the ways of burocracy - in other words, it's random.

But it will not be during the next three or four missions. As you may fly three sorties a day,

it feels endlessly long for a week to pass - and confirmations within a week would be fast.

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When there's enough paperwork to require a currier carrying your paperwork to home office, your chances are better if that lot of paperwork contains a request for tiolet paper without large pointy wood chips. That's assuming your report isn't lost, when the currier gets himself hit by an artillary shell ( the War you know )


Then the Home Office Pencil Pushers Rule, during the winter months everything SSsslloowws down


You might hear nothing for a month, then be confirmed for 4 at once


If the war ran slow and sleepy, in that area then, chances are a couple of weeks for a claim


Whereas if it's hot and heavy, all the curriers might be in the trenches ( the War you Know )


Bottom Line . . . Don't Hold your Breath


That's a damn fine explanation young fellow!! The War!! damn fine mess ain't it!!!

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I'm waiting on a kill confirmation for one of my German pilots. Because I'm such a s**te pilot/shot, when I'm in a Halberstadt scout I can blaze away for hours without harming any allied kites. I was on a flight recently, and trying to avoid the deadly defensive fire from a group of Fe2b's having spent most of my ammo ineffectually trying to do more than just scare them a bit, when our Archie cracked the lower wing off one of them, and he started a long slow descent into captivity. I wasn't having that. I bobbed in and added about 10-15 bullets to his woes, then scarpered. Get back to base and there's that claim form. It's mine I tell you! MINE ALL MINE!!!!


I'll have that sodding Blue Max yet....mutter, mutter...

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Hey, Mighty

You can attack FE2b very effectively from underneath.

First you fly right underneath the last plane, then pull up, and fire, when the front/engine is in

your gunsight. If necessary, take throttle back enough ,that you don't run into the Fee.

Very important - push nose down, before you get on level behind her, to avoid the rear gunner.

Then repeat that manoeuver - you should perform kind of a wave form.


But even far better: enlist a new pilot in Jasta 2, September 1916, as soon as they get the

Albatros DII - that will be real fun!

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That's not fair, UncleAl - the Halberstadt is a good climber and reasonably good at turning

with the early Nupes (although they can do better). Give it a try - just for a free flight;

it may be fun.

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