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Cannon pods are bit on the big side, aren't they???

Also, the decals.ini needs re-editing to remove the KM Graf Zepplin squadrons tag from the nose;

CarrierBased= needs to be changed to "FALSE"'

All the landing light callouts need to be removed, or the 'fakedout retracting tail gear re-activeated'


Readme could us a bit more work, too. Good work in including the originals, that should help folks a bit.


And mine was a Ju-87T, naval variant.



kevin stein

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Cannon pods are bit on the big side, aren't they???

Also, the decals.ini needs re-editing to remove the KM Graf Zepplin squadrons tag from the nose;

CarrierBased= needs to be changed to "FALSE"'

All the landing light callouts need to be removed, or the 'fakedout retracting tail gear re-activeated'


Readme could us a bit more work, too. Good work in including the originals, that should help folks a bit.


And mine was a Ju-87T, naval variant.



kevin stein


OK no probs with all that - the gunpods are stock ww2 weps pack 37mm KB's

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OK no probs with all that - the gunpods are stock ww2 weps pack 37mm KB's



And they just do not look the part do they?


- Where can I find a 3d max template of the Ju-87B?


Then I can have a go at designing the 37mm as it looked on the aircraft.

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And they just do not look the part do they?


not even close, baby!!


Where can I find a 3d max template of the Ju-87B?


that would be ONLY from Pasko, as he built it, and would have the MAX files. Unfortunately nobody's seen him for several years. As for skin templates, I made my own by redrawing every panel and rivet line. A very fun task -NOT!!! :haha:


Then I can have a go at designing the 37mm as it looked on the aircraft.


what you need are 3d diagrams of the gunpod itself, as opposed to re-creating the ENTIRE aircraft, with the pods built into the wings.


I'll have a look through my 'library', and see if SSP has anything, or some other of my WW2 Luftwaffe books.


Then, it's just a simple matter of data ini edits, to place the gunpod. And, of course, adding the weapon



kevin stein

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these should help, some...


AND, I must correct myself...the KM version was to be a Ju-87C. I guess I was thinking T for traeger, for the 109s



kevin stein

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:ok: Thanks for your help Wrench - Is there a way to import the existing model of the 37mm and modify?


Or better to start from scratch? guess its a pretty basic looking gun afterall -gotta get those vertical mags right - Back to the 3d max tutorials ...whew - could be Im a bit out of my league.I really want to get this bird right.this could take a while.

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