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6/2 mp game tues nite 730ish edt

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game is down


may change hosts,,,,,so watch forum



just working on a few things before i start the game.



This can be for anything players want. Along that line, it would be extremly helpful if mp pilots would give us imput as to what types of mp play they like to see the most, and even more important, if they have any ideas for mp games that would throw some variety into the mix. Hopefully soon , we will be getting mp a little more organized, with a little more varity that appeals to everyone, and are shooting for a scenario where sessions will be scheduled in advance, so players can have more time to adjust thier times/schedules to make games.


Depending on amount of players joining, might be a good oppurtunity to have other people host that have not yet done so.


As the burden of "entertaining" the other players rests on the host, its very helpful if pilots can chip in and say what they would like to play.


will post ip when game is up, and will be on teamspeak

Edited by sitting_duck

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I agree with Duck. This would be a good time for others to try and host. It would be great if we could get guys from the west coast and across the pond hosting. It would make it easier for your local pilots to join at more convenient times. As far as missions, the skies the limit as far as I'm concerned. If anyone builds a mission using mission builder We would love to fly them. Co-op, opposing sides it doesn't matter. I don't have a problem with guys sharing, trading or tweaking other peoples missions. I will gladly share my missions so guys can change them or even make them better as I am not that proficient in mission builder. The only thing I ask is that we stick with the stock planes, the Gotha and the zeppelin when building missions.


So far everyone is pretty receptive in the idea of keeping our small MP community simple. No fancy 3rd party aircraft or file manipulation are to be used in MP, let's keep it as easy as possible for others to join and enjoy the MP aspect of OFF.


I also want to send out a big thanks to the following for their hard work and patience!







And anyone else that is working hard toward a healthy OFF MP community!

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