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Aircraft stress....

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Im sure this was discussed awhile back but cant seem to find it so...


How do i overcome my wings being ripped off when coming out of warp in-cloud?

Ive set the workshop setting to NO aircraft stress,even put flight model to "easy" to see if that worked but still those clouds tear my crate to pieces,rather frustrating really!

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I may be wrong..but I don't think there is a way to avoid that when in Warp! (please feel free to correct me anyone?)

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So,to conclude....


NOT on a cloudy day! :idea:

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Use warp in much shorter bursts so you can check where you are heading.

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Or choose time acceleration / deceleration and choose the rate at which time passes, avoiding clouds as you approach them, then reapplying acceleration when it is clear to do so.

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BTW "in cloud effect" in cfs3config is the VISUAL cloud effect, nothing at all to do with wind/turbulence.

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