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Panama Red

SPAD VII Rudder "S" and Serial Numbers ?

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I noticed this weekend when upgrading my newly purchased FE Expandion Pack with a bunch of items (FM's, skins, objects, etc), that NONE of the stock SPAD VII's have any rudder "S" or serial numbers even when the Decal.ini calls for them. I did find that the only way that any SPAD VII's have any correct "S" and serial numbers, is when the "S" is painted directly on by one individual in his particular SPAD VII skin mod and he used some specific numbers that radinized the small production numbers, but not large "S".


My question is, has someone actually made any SPAD VII rudder "S" and serial numbers, or is there another method that I can use (other than using the incorrect SPAD XIII rudder letter and serial numbers that have additional information that is specific to the SPAD XIII) ???



Panama Red

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Hmmm....thats odd. Never noticed that before. Looking through both ObjectData.cat files there are no SPAD 7 serial number .tga(s). :dntknw:

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I'm not home right now, but I think I made sets for both the Spad7/150 and the 180. I'll check when I get home and upload them if people are interested.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. :ok:


Panama Red

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Just uploaded them, awaiting approval. Let me know if you have any problems with them.



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Thank you. I will check them out and let you know. :good:


Panama Red

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I checked them out and they are fantastic, but you might want to "tweak" the SPAD VII 180 serial numbers just a tad. The problem is when the SPAD VII 180 has a four diget serial number (the three digets are fine), the last number is slightly cut off the rudder on the right (starboard) side.


If you could slide the "S" and serial number just slightly to the left on your decal, it should solve the problem and be perfectly centered. :good::good:




Panama Red

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Sorry about that. :oops: That's what I get for uploading files from the laptop I used to use for flight simming. It's actually an easy fix. Like the Spad 13, the same decal is used on both sides. Just change the decal entries to these:


[Decalxxx] <------- Your next number


















and that should cure the problem. My apologies.

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Perfect. :ok::good::ok: You might want to reupload your great mod now with this slight position fix so you will not get this same question in the future.


Many thanks again;

Panama Red

Edited by Panama Red

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